Chapter 9 - Labs, Cures and... Hearts Splattered On Trees

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Jay had walked off on her own after nearly two days of fighting with Kaleb, leaving the others looking for her. They didnt want to find another person dead, they thought she wouldn't last in her state but if she could punch Kaleb, scream at Jacob and call him Jake like she used to before kicking him in the balls and put the finger up to Trinity, Felix knew she would be fine.

"I hate them all" Jay said to herself as she kicked a rock, wincing at the pain that went up her leg. The city of London since she left had become a firy pit of hell as the military decided to bomb it all to make the zombies go away... That didn't work. It just made more. Now there was debris everywhere and nobody could go into buildings to hide or look for supplies. The army had decided to make it impossible to help people survive by destroying everything. Jay carried on walking until it became dark, she could still vaguely see where she was going but she didnt want to risk walking into a zombie so she decided to climb a tree to spend the night safely out of their reach.

"Oh. My. Gosh! Jayla - Marie! You're alive!" A girl Jay hated said as she looked up at her from the ground. Jay groaned to herself at the sight of her. Molly. The school bitch,

she truly hated her with a passion. And her sister. Jay jumped down from my tree, looked at her and fake smiled before pulling out my gun and shot her through the chest.

"Oh... I'm sorry Molly, I didnt think there was any ammo. Im sure you can find it deep in your heart, which is currently all over that tree, to forgive me" She said before putting her gun back in the holster and gripping hold of her sword and dropping it through Molly's head. "Im not taking any risks hunny" She said to herself before walking as her sleep was disturbed.


"You fucking idiot!" Trinity shouted to Kaleb as she started walking, Kaleb had started the fighting by calling Jay weak and pathetic which really pushed her buttons.

"She started it" Kaleb said under his breath making Trinity groan.

"Actually you started it you knob jockey" Felix said after not talking since Jay left.

"Shut up Felix. You shouldn't be here anyway, fixed Jay so you should have been gone by now" Kaleb said coldly making Trinity clench her fists.

"The reason Jay got shot in the first place is because she wanted to look for you and tell you how she felt about you for crying out loud you twat she loved you!" Trinity said finally as she stopped walking and turned around, pointing her index finger at Kaleb who looked at the floor before looking back at her.

"Shouldn't you be dead?" Kaleb asked coldly, making Trin step back slightly, she forgot she had been bitten and that the effects hadnt worked on her.

"According to Jay im a carrier so i get infected but don't turn complete zombie. Jay has a idetic memory remember so she mesmerized all the chemical aspects of the outbreak. She told me that this disease was a air born infection known as element one one seven three. It was biological warfare that went wrong" Trinity said, trying to remember everything that Jayla had told her.

"So your saying this is a failed biological experiment?" Felix asked and Trinity sighed.

"Yeah, it turns you when you die. Reanimates the dead basically" She said as she felt her head, something seemed wrong to her. She could hear a woman running and breathing heavily. But who was it? It wasn't Jay.

"Trinity!" The woman shouted, she recognised the voice as someone she hadn't spoke to in over six months.

"Mum!" She shouted as she ran toward the woman who had a gun in hand and military uniform on her body.

"Oh my God. I thought you where dead! I saw Titch about twenty minutes ago shoot some poor girl and then say something that had me rolling on the floor laughing" Sarah said as Trinity engulfed her mother in a hug.

"What did she say? Where did she go?" Kaleb asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

"She said 'Im sure you can find it deep in your heart, which is currently all over that tree, to forgive me' and it really made me laugh. She went North, towards our secret government lab thay i told her about a couple of years ago. She may be a highschool drop out but my God does that girl know how to make some things that involve science. The army used her calculations to make this stupid apocalypse, she figured out how to reanimate things that where dead, you know like people who died from cancer or something to try to give them a second life cancer free which she succeeded in doing but Dr. Mitchell decided to counter the cure by fucking up Jayla's calcualtions and making the compounds mix in the wrong way" Sarah explained when she pulled away from Trinity.

"So Jay... Cured cancer?" Felix asked, seeming abit starstruck at the discovery they had all made on Jay.

"There are some things about Jay that suprise everyone" Trinity said as she glared at Kaleb.

"And now i think Jay has gone back to the lab to try and figure out a way to cure this thing"

"We need to find her" Jake said, finally speaking up making everyone jump at him saying something.

"Shes such a smart ass" Kaleb said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"And you called her weak and pathetic" Trin said as she clenched her fists again. "And also, what Jay said was fucking hilarious" She continued as her mum started leading the way towards the lab, and towards Jay.

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