Chapter 10 - Say What?

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Jay had reached the lab by sunset the next day, Sarah had given her an access card that she could use to get into the facility when she wanted. The only reason the lab was still in existance was because it was underground. Deep underground.

"Right... Lets hope it isn't over run" Jay breathed to herself before she made sure her guns ammo where full and her sword was in easy reach. She swiped her access card through the swiper "thing" as she called it and waited for the aluminium doors to slide open.

"Welcome Jayla - Marie" The automated voice said as Jay sighed to herself. When Jay entered the lift, a hollogram of her father David Andrews appeared beside her.

"Daughter. I see you have returned" The hollogram said as the lift started going down, showing the floors as she submerged deeper into the base.

"Yes father I have. Seeing as you never left I thought I'd pay a visit" Jay said in a fustrated tone, David had practically lived at the lab since Jay was a little girl, she never saw him unless it was her birthday.

"Come to my office, i would have come to greet you but these things are at my door" He said as the hollagram dispersed and the glass doors of the lift opened as Jay grabbed hold of her sword and walked down the corridor towards her father's office, the lights flickering made her more on edge then usual as she gripped her sword. She started to hear the moans and the banging on the door and the moans of the rotters.

"Let's get this started" She said to herself as the zombies started turning to her and shuffle their feet towards her. She played American Idiot in her mind as she started cutting down the zombies one by one.


Kaleb had been thinking to himself since they started walking towards the lab, Trinity had been talking with her mother about Jay and Felix had trailed off with Jake following behind.

"What if she finds a cure? Then all this will be over.." He said to himself as he looked at the floor, seeing the corpse of Molly making him laugh to himself.

"Hey Trinity. I know who Jay shot" He said as Trinity turned around looking at him.

"Who?" She asked and he pointed to the floor.

"Oh. My. God. Yes Jay!" She shouted as she fist bumped the air making us laugh.

"Are we there yet mum?" Trinity asked her mother and she sighed.

"Nearly darlin'" She said before everyone walked in silence again making Kaleb fall into his thoughts. There was so much he didn't know about Jay and he felt like he didn't know her anymore.

"Kaleb keep up or your getting eaten!" Trinity said as she looked behind Kaleb, seeing the herd of zombies emerge behind them.

"For crying out loud!" Kaleb practically screamed as he pulled out his gun.

"Shut up and run towards the random lift thing over there!" Sarah shouted as they all picked up the pace until they got to the lift door.

"Shit... Where's my access card?" Sarah said to herself as she searched her pockets for the piece of plastic.

The zombies got closer and closer until they started panicking, Kaleb finally thought he was going to die. Nobody would be here to save him.

"Fucking duck!" They heard Jay say as they all hit the floor and the sound of guns firing towards the zombies making them fall to the floor as the bullets shot through their heads, killing them instantly.

When the firing stopped everyone looked up to see Jay stood there with a heavy machine gun and a man with a century gun resting on his side.

"Everyone, meet my dad" Jay said as she pointed to the man beside her, he had ash blonde hair, pale skin and the same grey eyes Jay had.

"I'm David Andrews" He said as we stood up and joined them in the lift. Jay glared at Kaleb before whispering something to her dad.

"Hey dad" Felix said as the lift door closed causing Jay's eyes to widen.

"I'm sorry what?" Jay asked as she looked between Felix and David to see the comparrison... and it was there, they looked exactly the same. Well except Kaleb had black hair with the ash blonde growing through.

"Oh dear" Jay whispered to herself as she rested her head against Kalebs shoulder. "I still hate you" She whispered making Kaleb smile.

"I know" He whispered back making her laugh slightly.

"Sarah would it be okay for you to help me polish my sword" Jay asked as she turned her head to the left, all she actually wanted to do was go to sleep next to Kaleb. But she'd never tell him that.

"That reminds me Jay... When did you learn to use a sword?" David asked her daughter making her smile slightly, he had no clue that Jay had been taught to fight by Sarah.

"Idetic memory dad, I've seen alot of films" She lied making Sarah laugh and Trinity smile like a spoon.

"Oh" He said to himself as he looked at Felix, who smiled at Jay.

"Could of told me I had an older brother" She said as Jake put his arm around her, she left Kaleb and went into his side as the pain of her bullet wound caught up with her and she closed her eyes.

Short chapter yes, but it was just a filler really. There will be a surprise for you all in the next chapter though ;) *laughs evilly*

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