Chapter 7 - Getting Stitched Up

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"Well, yeah I think I do love her Trinity but I don't know what to do" Kaleb said to a tired Trinity who was still holding pressure on Jayla's bullet wound.

"When she wakes up tell her... I guess you could call it love but what would I know? I've never been in love before and I don't plan on it" Trinity sighed, she had been on this subject with Kaleb for the past twenty minutes and she was starting to get bored but she knew where he was coming from. He was in love with Jay and he was scared to tell her in case she broke his heart but the truth was, Jay loved him too.

"My legs are dangling off the edge..." Jay whispered as her eyes fluttered open, she was singing Hollywood Undead's song Bullet. Fitting for the situation.

"...The bottom of the bottle is my only friend" Trinity finished making Jay want to laugh but she couldn't, so she smiled instead.

"I would have laughed but it hurts too much... It hurts to breathe" Jay sighed as a tear went down her cheek.

"In the fourteen years I have known you, I have never seen you fucking cry" Trinity said making Jay smile.

"I'm not crying. It's my brain telling me to cry and me telling it to fuck off but letting one tear flow because I'm in fucking pain" Jay said in one breath making Trinity smile to herself.

"A doctor should be here soon" Kaleb said after a few minutes of his silence.

"Oh hi Kaleb... didn't see you there" Jay said making Trinity finally burst out laughing.

"I fuckin love you sometimes Titch" She said as she wiped away the tears of her laughter from her face before returning pressure to Jay's wound.

"Jay I'm still so sorry about this" Jacob said as he came into the room with some guy following him.

"Take it this genius is the doctor" Jay said as she pointed to the man.

"Yes this genius is. My name is Doctor Felix Everdeen. PHD in Biology and overall health doctor" He said with a smile making Jay groan.

"I didn't ask for your life story" She said making the rest of laugh, including Dr. Everdeen.

"Okay miss Andrews. Let's get you fixed up" He said as Kaleb moved to Jayla's side and held onto her hand as their fingers intwined.

"I think I'm gunna hurl" Jacob said as Trinity pulled away the ripped shirt she had been using to cover Jay's bullet hole to to reveal a black hole with red still oozing out of it in the middle of her stomach.

"You did this to her so man up. You've seen those things out there too so this isn't the worst thing" Kaleb said as he glared at his older brother. They had all changed since all of this started. Kaleb especially. He had to be the leader since he thought Titch was dead, he became an emotionless wreck and he didn't even want to look at his brother or even May, his ex girlfriend. Since he had grown distant May had decided that she wanted to be with him again but when he rejected her she did the only thing she thought would work. Go for his brother, his exact look alike in every way. She thought it would get him jealous but no... His heart was set on Jay and he had declared that he didn't care about May and her 'needs' so he didn't care about her dating his brother even though it was extremely awkward when they where all in the car or in the mill alone together. He had walked in on that disturbing scene more then once.

"Okay would you all like to leave so I can get to work?" Dr. Everdeen asked as they all stood up.

"Can Kaleb stay?" Jay asked before wincing at the pain she had caused herself.

"Uh... Yeah ok" Dr. Everdeen said as he took his back pack off his back and unzipped it before taking out some surgical tweezers and pain killers as well as a surgical needle and some thread for stitches. "This is going to hurt like a bitch so take one of these" He sighed as he passed Jay a painkiller and some water to down it with.

"Thanks" Jay said as she quickly swallowed the pill with a mouthful of water.

"So tell me a little about yourself Jay" Dr. Everdeen said as he got the tweezers and Jay took a deep breath as she prepared herself for it.

"I'm sixteen and before all this started I was a school fuck up. I didn't like it and it didn't like me" Jay said as the tweezers went into her body to pull out the bullet making her scream out in pain. She squeezed onto Kaleb's hand as he sat closer to her. "You where right when you said it would hurt like a bitch" Jay concluded as she got used to the pain.

"Got it" Felix said as he quickly pulled out the bullet making her wince.

"Jay are you okay?" Kaleb asked as he looked at the blood covered bullet.

"Completely fine" Jay replied sarcastically making Kaleb smile, he needed to tell her that he loved her but he was afraid to do it.

"I don't have any Hydrogen Peroxide at the minute... my supplies have gone low but it looks like your friend kept it free of infection so I should be okay to stitch you up now" Felix said as he put the thread through the end of the needle.

"If I was you Kaleb I would do something to distract her.." He continued as he looked at the now seventeen year old.

"Okay..." Kaleb said as he though about what he was going to do.

"I'll distract him instead" Jay said as she placed her free hand on his cheek, making him lean down to her and kiss her softly as Felix started stitching her wound closed.

"Ok. All done" Felix said as he smiled at Jay and Kaleb who had finished their make out session that made Jay forget about the pain in her lower abdomen.

"Thanks doc" Jay said, smiling up at him. "Tell me about you" She continued as he put away his things.

"Well.. I'm nineteen, graduated high school at the age of twelve and medical school at sixteen. Jacob found me on the road where I would have died if he hadn't of helped me fight off the things that where surrounding me, my gun had ran out of bullets so I was forced to use my knife" He said, sighing in the process.

"Wow... That's tough" Jay and Kaleb said in unison, Felix looked at them both and smiled.

"You two are in love" He said, Trinity came into the room and saw Jay was sat up on her wooden shelf bed thing and was smiling, she looked a lot better.

"Well... I guess you could call it 'love' but I'd rather it be called a happy accident" Jay said making Kaleb laugh as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Glad your feeling better" Trinity said before Jacob and May came into the room hand in hand. May looked at Jayla and snarled when she saw them holding their hands as Jay rested her head on Kaleb's shoulder.

"Wow. What's up bestie?" Jay asked her best friend as May gave her death glares.

"Nothing" She said through gritted teeth.

"Quick question... Kaleb would you be willing to carry Jay?" Trinity asked as she smelt the air.

"Yeah why?" He asked back as Trinity shook on the spot.

"We have company" She concluded as the sounds of moans and shuffling feet became audible.

Songs for this chapter are Bullet by Hollywood Undead and Unicorn Zombie Apocalypse by Bulgore.

Wait until the next chapter to find out evilness I have planned... Mwahahahaha! *Evil smile that is made worse with the addition of braces*

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