You Have No Idea-Ch 3

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That's it. I couldn't stand this any longer. He was driving me insane and I couldn't do it anymore.

When break for Government came around, I charged after him and grabbed him by the front of his shirt, dragging him around to the other side of the dumpster behind the gym where no one could see us. The moment we got there I angrily shoved him against the wall and pinned him there with both hands, glaring straight into his gorgeous blue eyes.

"What the heck, Elaine?!" He was extremely confused and I grew even angrier because of his obvious obliviousness to what he was doing to me.

"Oh my God, you have no idea do you?!" I got even more angry, getting closer to him as I spoke.

"Have no idea of what? I have no idea what's going on!" He seemed a little freaked out, and I understood, but I didn't care.

"Are you not even aware that you stare at me, you glance at me all the time, you tease me like a guy would do with a girl he likes? You mess around with me and yet you tell me you don't like me! You pretend you don't like me, but I don't believe it for a second with the way you've been acting towards me! Can you please be mature enough to MAKE UP YOUR MIND AND STOP LEADING ME ON?! I can't move on unless you let it go! But it's obvious you can't because you don't even notice!"

At this point, I was fuming, but also in tears. I couldn't take it anymore. It hurt so bad, I just wanted him to leave me alone.

"Can you please just make up your mind and leave me in peace! I hate you so much it's killing me!"

I punched the brick wall by his head that I had him pinned to, not caring about the pain.

I continued crying and growing angrier, hitting the wall multiple times in total frustration. But I didn't expect what came next.

Ayden grabbed my arms that were pinning him to the wall and flipped me around, pinning me to the wall instead, his whole body pressed against me, keeping me there. I struggled, still angry, with tears still pouring down my face. But I couldn't get out of his grip.

I looked up at him and locked eyes with him, shrinking back a little bit at the dark, hooded, what could almost be called lust-filled look in them.

"You hate me, huh?" His voice was low and husky, I almost froze out of surprise.

"Of course I do! I've hated you for years for what you've done to me!" I tried to struggle away from him still, but his hands were on either side of me against the wall, and his whole body was pressing against me.

"Then why are you so flustered right now?" He smirked, something I had never seen him do. At least not like this.

"Dangit Ayden! Let me go!" I wriggled underneath him, but I still couldn't move.

"No," he took one hand and tilted my head up to look him in the eyes again. "I'm not done with you yet."

I visibly gulped.

"Tell me the truth. How do you actually feel about me?" His face came closer to mine with every word.

"I-I hate you!" I stuttered out, mentally slapping myself.

"Wrong answer! You see, your stutter just gave everything away," his smirk grew and his face came closer.

There was a split second I saw his gaze flicker down to my lips and back up to my eyes. "I'll ask again, how do you ACTUALLY feel about me?"

"I-I, I..." I was angry, not at him, but at myself for falling for this jerk. I loved him so much, I just hated that I loved him, because I knew I could never have him. At least until now.

"Answer the question, Elaine! I don't have all day," he continued smirking, the look in his eyes intensifying every moment.


I couldn't do it any longer. So I gave in.

I closed my eyes.

"I... love you."

A split second after the words came out of my mouth, Ayden crashed his lips onto mine, kissing me fervently. I was surprised for a nanosecond before I kissed him back, hard. I slid my arms up against his sides, tangling my fingers in his soft blonde hair.

He wrapped his limber arms around my waist, pulling me up and pushing me back against the wall.

We kissed for what felt like hours, but in reality was only minutes, and just before it got heated, we both heard voices. There was no time to look natural when Paige and Alaine came around the side of the dumpster and stopped dead in their tracks.

Both of their jaws dropped as they stared at the two of us. Ayden with his arms wrapped around me, his hair messed up because of my fingers, and me completely disheveled presses against the wall.

"Oh. My. God," Paige managed to gasp out.

"H-hey guys," I said, my face turning a slight shade of red because of the position we were in.

"Mom?" Alaine looked like she was feeling like she was in a dream.

The girls slowly turned their heads to look at each other, and suddenly jumped at each other, hugging each other and squealing like total fangirls. They jumped up and down in excitement before looking at the two of us, still not daring to move from our position, and they both said something along the lines of, "Finally! I'm so happy this is amazing!"

"It took you fracking long enough Hayden, you idiot," Paige said, a huge grin refusing to leave her face.

"Thanks, Paige, love you too," he smirked again, and I laughed, rolling my eyes at the stupidity.

"We should probably leave you two alone," Alaine said awkwardly, giving a fake laugh that displayed the awkwardness even more.

"Ya think," Ayden deadpanned.

"Hey," I whacked him on the arm. "Play nice."

"Ugh, fine," he replied in a jokingly sarcastic tone.

"By guys! Have fun!" Paige called from where she and Alaine had already started walking on the other side of the dumpster, back to the main building.

Ayden and I waited in silence for a few moments to be sure they were gone, before looking at each other with straight faces, and then we broke out into laughter.

"Ahhahaha! That was so funny!" I wiped tears from the corners of my eyes from laughing so hard and chuckled my way down from hysteria.

"I love your friends," Ayden chuckled a little himself, and he looked deeply into my eyes, the smile slowly leaving both of our faces as we stared.

He moved a little, leaning closer into me and tightening his grip around my waist.

There were a few moments of silence between the two of us, both consumed by the others' gaze.

"I love you too," Ayden spoke softly after a few minutes, a ghost of a smile playing at his lips.

My heartbeat quickened at his words and my eyes lit up, a smile creeping onto my own face.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders setting my head down in the crook of his neck, him hugging me a little tighter. I let out a sigh, the pain and hurt from the last four years drifting away with the air released from my lungs. I was finally happy.

Written by Alex ( @chance_stories )

*Thank you so much, Alex!!!!*

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