Father Son Moments

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Luke: You were just making dinner when you heard a huge ruckus outside you looked out the window and your husband Luke was playing football with your 10 year old son Lewis. You smiled because you knew how much Lewis loved football and spending time with his Dad. Luke was teaching Lewis how to do keepy uppys but he was struggling and just couldn't get the hang of it so he crossed his arms and pouted. Luke ruffled his hair and bent down so he could look Lewis in the eyes and said" Come on Lou you'll get it just be patient and keep practising because you're not always going to get something the first time, you need to keep practising to perfect it." Luke smiled at Lewis and Lewis smiled back and then hugged his Dad and said"Thanks Dad".

Ashton: You were in the car with your husband Ashton and your 14 year old son Ryder. You passed a group of girls and one of them waved and smiled at Ryder who waved and smiled back but blushed at the same time. So you asked" Who was that Ryder?, and smiled at him. He said" Juliet from school". And Ashton piped in" You like her mate?", and winked at him! You rolled your eyes at Ash's teasing! He replied" I think I do but I don't think she likes me back" and looked down sadly. Ash then went into bro mode and started giving him advice, " Look at me Ryder, if she doesn't like you back then she's stupid because you are a great guy who could bag any girl, but I can see the way she looks at you and mate she likes you. There's only one way to find out if my theory is right by asking her out!", Ryder smiled at his father and said" I might just do that". Ashton high fives his son and said" Get in there!". You giggled at Ashton and smiled fondly at the moment between your son and your husband.

Calum: Your 12 year old son was singing in the school musical and was really quite nervous and was wondering whether he could do it or not so you told him" Your dad used to be in a band you know with Uncle Luke,Uncle Ashton and Uncle Mike you know?", Riley gasped and looked really shocked and replied" Really?" And you said" Yeah ask him now", so Riley said to Calum" Dad were you in a band when you were younger?", Calum laughed and said" Yeah we were pretty popular you know! Why what's up?", Riley said" Nothing mum just told me that's all and because I'm extremely nervous right now". Calum sighed and said" it's good to be nervous Riley you know because when you finally get out there all your nerves will disappear! I know this because I used to get nervous before a show but now I know all those nerves were for nothing! You'll be absolutely brilliant Riles because well you are my son so that just sums everything up!!!!" whilst winking at you! Riley just giggled and said" Thanks Dad, I'm not nervous anymore!", Calum smiled" My pleasure Riley now go show everyone just how good you are, good luck!" you smiled at Calum's kind words and said" Good luck Riley", whilst giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

Michael: Your 16 year old son was going on his first date tonight and to your dismay, your husband Michael was helping Jackson get ready. You really wanted to be the one to chose his outfit but he insisted he wanted his Dad to help him. So you let him, you were hoping you weren't going to regret the decision because Michael can sometimes have a very, lets say peculiar dress sense! You heard a few footsteps make there way down the stairs and into the living room where you were sat waiting patiently for your son to arrive, Michael walked into where you were sat with a huge smile on his face and said" We now welcome the dashing Jackson!" and Jackson walked into the living room with a coat of pink layering his cheeks at your husbands choice of words! You were shocked to say the least because your boy was wearing the exact same thing as Michael when he took you on his first date and you knew instantly that this girl was going to like him because thats the first thing you noticed about Michael when he took you on his first date!

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