He makes you feel less insecure

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Trigger Warning - mention of self harm but also other insecurities

You've always struggled with your weight, ever since you were 15. You were bullied in high school, known as 'The Chocolate Monster' or 'The Beast', high school was not easy for you. Until you met the sweetheart known as Luke Hemmings. He made you feel oh so beautiful each and everyday. "Hey babe whachya looking at?" You smile and show him your Year 13 Prom Night and your wedding day. "Look how different we look Lu" you frown just seeing a blob in the Prom photo and he notices. "You were beautiful at Prom and you were gorgeous at our wedding. There isn't much difference babe" he kisses the side of your head making you feel like a princess all over again.

As you scrolled through twitter, your heart clenched as you saw what fans were saying about you. You've always hated the word annoying because you were scared that everybody viewed you as it. Twitter was a harsh place to be when you're dating a world famous rock star but you'd thought that people were okay with you dating Ashton now but from what you saw it was far from okay. You were interrupted by your thoughts when Ash sauntered into the room whistling and air drumming happily. He soon stopped seeing the tears forming in your eyes. "Baby what's wrong" you looked up to his hazel eyes staring at you in concern. You sniffled and told him "I'm fine don't worry about me" and fake smiled at him. He instantly knew you were lying and his eyes softened upon seeing you on twitter. "Have they been saying things again sweetheart?" He took a seat beside you as you burst into tears. He held you safely in his arms as he promised that you were the best thing in his life and far from annoying.

You were always self conscious about your age. You were 3 years younger than Michael and fans liked to always point that out. He was called a 'cradle snatcher' in the media and fans hated you for the fact that you were his girlfriend. You were out for the day with him when a few fans wanted autographs and pictures with your boyfriend, so you of course stepped to the side and let him have time with his fans. As you were scrolling through Instagram, you heard a girl mutter to Mike "She's too young for you Mikey, it's so weird" you were upset by this but tried not to show it. Michael reacted instantly "I would greatly appreciate that you stayed out of my relationship and quite frankly her age has nothing to do with you. I love her more than anything in this world, and if you can't accept that then maybe you're not a true fan" he turned towards you and kissed you "I love you baby" you giggled and told him "I love you too rockstar".

Calum:(trigger warning- self harm)
In your previous teenage years, you had issues with self harm. The scars on your wrists and thighs had never faded and were still quite visible to the public eye. Of course the media caught sight of this and it was plastered on the front page of every magazine. "5 Seconds of Summer's bassist, Calum Hood and his girlfriend were at the beach today and we caught site of random scarring on her body. Past self harmer? We think so." You felt sick reading page after page of lies because they had no idea what you had been through. Suddenly the magazine was ripped from your grasp and Calum stood over you with a worried expression "Please don't read that Y/N, they have no idea what they're talking about okay, you're beautiful, you're perfect and more importantly I love you so much" you smiled wholeheartedly at him as tears streamed down your cheeks. He was your one and only and you wouldn't change that for the world

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