How he proposes?

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Luke: It was yours and Luke's 5 year anniversary, you were so excited because Luke had told you earlier to dress fancy because he was taking you out. So you got into your light blue dress and straightened your hair. You put on as little make up as possible because Luke said you looked perfect without it. You walked downstairs and found a note attached to the door it read, 'Go to where we first met, Love Luke<3 xxx' so you travelled down to the park where you first met 10 year old Luke and instantly became friends with him, more like best friends! You found another note attached to the swing set which read, 'Go to the tree where I first asked you out, Love Luke<3 xxx' so you walked over to the tree where Luke first asked you to be his girlfriend and of course you said yes! There was the handsome god himself stood behind the tree and boy did he look good. He turned around and you instantly locked your baby blue eyes onto his deep blue eyes. You finally managed to look around and see the rest of the boys stood around Luke and were all smiling at you, you were slightly confused but just went along with it. You manged to find your voice and whisper" Hey Luke", he chuckled and replied" Hey baby". You loved how he called you baby, it made your heart melt. You instantly recognised the tune the band was playing and Luke's angelic voice made its way to your ears and they started singing 'She Looks So Perfect' after they had finished Luke made his way over to you and grabbed your hand in his and looked straight into your eyes and then got down on one knee. You gasped! He then said" I can't believe i've had five years with someone as perfect as you, I can't imagine my life without you, so Y/N will you marry me?", a tear slips down your cheek and  you run straight into his arms and squeal yes in his ear. He picks you up and spins you around and plants a passionate kiss on your lips.

Ashton: You and Ashton had been together for four years and today you could tell something was wrong with him because he seemed really distant and it was like he didn't want to be near you. So of course you thought the worst, so of course you thought he was planning on breaking up with you because whenever you went to hug him or just simple touch him he seemed really nervous. This scared you. So as you were just lounging around watching television with him, you decided now would be a good idea to ask him what was up. So you looked across at him and he seemed deep in thought so you broke that and asked" Ash baby what's the matter? You've been really distant all day, have I done something wrong or upset you?",he looked shocked and came straight over to you and said" No baby it's not you, i have something to ask you which is what i've been planning all day and i'm sorry if i've seemed a bit distant". You smiled because you knew it wasn't you but then confusion washed over you. He then looked staight into your eyes and smiled his dazzling smile, he then started" Y/N we have been together for 4 whole years and it only seems like 2 minutes since I first laid my eyes on you and instantly fell for you, i know I may sound cheesy right now but oh well! What an eventful four years we have had, I have loved every minute of it so I know you are someone who I want to spend the rest of my life with so baby", as he got down on one knee, you gasped" Will you marry me", a tear escaped your eye and you threw yourself straight into his arms and squealed" YES!"

Calum: You were at your favourite restaurant with your amazing boyfriend Calum. He looked really nervous and kept looking at his watch. This made you rather uncomfortable because you thought you'd done something wrong and he wanted to leave. So you quietly asked him" Is there something wrong Calum, you seem extremely nervous?" Calum's eyes instantly shot to yours and he knew exactly what you were saying, so he answered" I'm fine baby, it's nothing". You didn't believe him but you left it there. After you had finished your meal you both decided to have desert. Calum ordered for you whilst you went to the ladies room. When he came out of the bathroom, you saw the four boys stood together around the table, weird you thought, why are they here? As you walked over to them, Calum turned around and saw you and smiled. You went and sat down and looked confusedly at Calum whilst he just looked at you and smiled. You decided to tuck into your cheesecake until you noticed something gold placed in your cheesecake. You poked the fork into it and realised it was a gold ring. The boys then started to play quietly in the background whilst Calum sang Kiss Me Kiss Me. You gasped when you pulled the ring out and nearly started crying. The boys stopped playing and looked at you happily. As you looked down and Calum was on one knee and said" I know that that was a really cheesy way of doing it but I had to do something good, so Y/N will you do the honour of marrying me?", you instantly said yes and was so happy.

Michael: You were sat having a picnic in the park with your boyfriend of 3 years Michael. You were just chatting about nothing but were extremely nervous because you had to tell him today you were pregnant and you didn't know how he was going to take it. Whilst you were in your own world thinking about this Michael was preparing how to ask you to be his wife. He pulled the ring box out and started moving to get down on one knee in front of you but you weren't paying attention so Michael decided to shout" Y/N look there's a squirrel in the tree", you got up to have a look and was about turn around and say" No there isnt-" and you stopped in the middle of your sentence because Michael was already on one knee. "Y/N will you marry me please?" you of course say" Yes and this is probably a good time to tell you I'm pregnant as well". He looked shocked but said" Yeah my own little baby Clifford!".

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