He Upsets You

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You were in the kitchen deciding what to have for breakfast, you decided on a bowl of coco pops. Of course Luke must have had them last and placed them on the top shelf. You couldn't reach them at all. As you were trying to reach up and grab them, you felt hands on your waist and a hand reach round and grab the cereal for you. "Y/N you're so short, I can't believe you couldn't reach those" Luke chuckled, "I feel like I'm dating a 10 year old sometimes" he teased. This got to you, he didn't realise that he'd pointed out one of your biggest insecurities. You placed the cereal down and walked away from him into the living room. "Babe....Are you okay?" Luke shouted. When you didn't answer him, he knew he'd taken the teasing a little bit too far. You curled up on the sofa, eyes brimmed with tears, not even looking at Luke when he sat down beside you. "Baby-girl I'm so sorry, I was only teasing you, I didn't mean to upset you" Luke sighed when you didn't answer him. You sniffled, which he then knew you were crying, "Baby I didn't mean to make you cry" he spoke whilst pulling you into his side. "You know I love your height, I love how I'm so much taller than you because it means better hugs always and we both go together like puzzle pieces. I love you so much, I don't care about your height, it's what makes you all the more adorable alright?" You giggled softly at his statement and said " I forgive you Luke, but please don't say anything like that again, you know I'm insecure about my height, I love you too" and softly kiss him on the lips.

You were sat in yours and Ashton's living room, with the boys, watching a film. You had just made popcorn and had it on your lap. As you were part way through the film, Ashton shouted, " Oi fatty save some popcorn for us" whilst laughing which made the boys laugh also. You gulped and placed the popcorn bowl on the floor, feeling your eyes brim with tears. Ashton knew how you felt about eating but he still made a comment like that. The only boy that didn't laugh was Luke, "Y/N, you okay? Ash didn't mean what he said you know, he wasn't thinking" Luke said whilst looking at you with concern in his eyes. You felt warm tears slip down your face, you decided to excuse yourself and go to the bathroom. As you were going to the bathroom you heard " Where's Y/N gone?" Ashton's deep voice could be heard, to which Luke snappily replied " Bathroom Ashton, doing god knows what because of what you said". Ashton's eyes widened as he realised what he said must have terribly upset you. You came back in and Ashton was immediately on his feet, " Baby I'm so sorry, you know I didn't mean what I said right?" You looked to the floor, not wanting to look into your boyfriend eyes. He pulled you into a hug, " Y/N I am so sorry, I'll do anything to make it up to you babe" You giggled and said "I'll forgive you if you watch High School Musical with me" he immediately agreed saying "Of course baby anything you want, I love you".

You'd been feeling a bit down lately and Michael seemed to be your only source of happiness at the moment. As he walked downstairs you were laying on the couch with a duvet waiting to be able to cuddle with your boyfriend. "Cuddle with me Mikey" you said whilst holding your arms out to him like a baby. "Why are you being so clingy lately, gosh you're annoying" he snapped at you, making you curl back into the duvet with a sad expression on your face. He stormed into the kitchen and left you to silently cry to yourself whilst watching television. When he came back in, he sighed and looked at your tear stained face, what Michael failed to realise was that you were struggling again but didn't want to say anything about it. "Baby?..." He spoke carefully but you ignored him completely. "Y/N I can cuddle with you now" he said, you scoffed and angrily snapped, "Thought I was too annoying and clingy Michael" he instantly knew he'd upset you because you used his full name. He sheepishly replied, " I didn't mean to say that babe, I'm just stressed and took it out on you, I'm so sorry sweetie, please forgive me?" You looked at him, and saw the apologetic look on his face, sighing softly you said " Only if you cuddle with me now" he chuckled and said " Of course anything for my baby"

You were in the basement of Michaels house with your boyfriend Calum. All the boys had come just to have a friendly get together at Mike's house. You were sitting on Calum's lap talking to Ashton. Ashton said something extremely funny which just set you off into a fit of giggles. "Y/N can you knock it off, you're laugh is so loud and obnoxious, it's deafening me" Calum said whilst rolling his eyes. This immediately made you stop laughing, face flushed red in embarrassment as everybody looked at you. You unwrapped Calum's arms that were positioned around your waist and went and sat on the other side of Luke, not speaking at all. Ashton looked at you with concern in his eyes, "You okay Y/N" you softly shook your head, "Is it because of what Cal said" you nodded your head slowly not using your words with Ashton. He shook his head and shouted, "Cal, a word outside please", and pulled Calum's arm and dragged him outside. You had no idea what they were taking about, but you kept quiet during Michael and Luke's conversation. "Y/N are you sure you're okay? Calum's an idiot alright, he'll realise what he's done" Luke softly smiled at you as he said this and you gave a small smile back. Ashton and Calum entered the room again, Calum looked at you with pure guilt written across his face, "Y/N I'm sorry babe, I just got jealous seeing you laughing and giggling with Ashton, I didn't think before I spoke, please forgive me?" With those puppy dog brown eyes staring into yours, you couldn't say no. "I forgive you Cal" you smiled at him, he placed a soft kiss on your lips in thanks.

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