How he wakes you up

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Luke: You are sleeping soundly, until you hear a soft voice from next you" Y/N it's time to wake up babe", and you feel his lips on your cheek. You grumble and turn away from him. You hear him sigh and then say"Well you asked for it", and immediately jumps on you and starts tickling you. You are definitely awake now, through ragged breaths you managed to stutter out"L-Luke I'm a-awake s-stop", the whole while you are giggling uncontrollably. He finally stops, kissing you on top of your head and goes downstairs to make breakfast.

Ashton: You hear clattering from the kitchen and wonder what is going on but then you notice that Ashton is not in bed anymore so you just go back to sleep. Then you hear the pitter patter of footsteps on the stairs and along the landing towards your room. You don't want to open your eyes so you don't. You hear him making his way over to the bed and he then whispers in your ear,"Come on sleepy-head, time to wake up beautiful", you just totally ignore him and go back to sleep. So he decided it'd be a really good idea to start playing the drums in your room. You shot up and glared at him, he giggled and said"Well that got you up now didn't it! Don't look at me like that babe you know you love me!" as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his warm embrace.

Calum: Calum must have been awake for quite a while now because he was just sitting on the end of the bed waiting for you to open your eyes. He soon realized that wasn't going to happen any time soon, so he took matters into his own hands and started singing to wake you up. He then got close to you and whisper/sang in your ear"Wake up gorgeous", this was enough for your eyes to flutter open. As you opened your eyes you look up to see Calum smiling at you very sweetly and in the sweetest voice possible say" Good Morning", you obviously say it back and then go and make breakfast.

Michael: As soon as Michael woke up next to you, you knew he'd be planning how to wake you up. So he wrapped his arm around you and in his sexy morning voice said in your ear" Morning sweetheart", when you didn't reply he knew you were still asleep and he couldn't have that now could he. So he got out of bed and went into the bathroom, filled a bucket with ice cold water and came back into the bedroom, he thought he'd be nice and try again" Time to wake up baby", you grunted at him and turned away, so he thought oh well, and chucked the water all over. Let's just say you were not impressed and didn't speak to him for an hour after.

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