How you met?

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Luke: You were waiting in line at starbucks and the person in front was taking forever so you mumbled under your breath"Could you take any longer". You thought no one had heard you, but you thought wrong because you heard a deep chuckle from behind you and you instantly blushed. You turned around and were met with the most attractive male you have ever seen.You were lost in his gorgeous blue orbs.His short blond hair was perfectly styled into a quiff. So you embarrassingly said" Hehe thought no-one heard me", he let out another one of his deep chuckles and replied" Well I did. And i totally agree, what's your name by the way?"

You answered shyly"y/n"
And he said" Gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl" and winked at you." I'm Luke". You sat with him and got his number and that was the start of a beautiful relationship.

Aston: You were going to see your all time favourite band, 5 Seconds Of Summer. As you got to the arena and sat in your seat, the girl next to you asked you some personal and just pointless questions you thought, before the boys came on. Whilst she was in the middle of asking you something the boys suddenly appeared and you screamed. As they were in the intro to She Looks So Perfect, you made eye contact with your favourite member, Ashton Irwin, and he winked at you and carried on playing. When the song had ended Ashton piped up saying" I just want to say to the girl i just winked at, i need your name and your number so i will get our bodyguard to come collect you at the end", so at the end of the concert you went backstage, met Ashton, got his number and went on a date with him.

Calum: You were on the plane to Australia to visit your family over there. As you turned to your left you saw 1 out of 4 of the band 5 Seconds Of Summer, which just so happened to be your favourite, Calum Hood. You couldn't see the rest of the boys so you thought maybe you were mistaken, but then you heard the infectious giggle of Ashton and knew right away it was them. Ashton piped up from behind you saying" Hi Calum is too scared to start a conversation with you because he is a pussy, so please talk to him!". So you started the conversation with him and ended up exchanging numbers so you could meet up again.

Michael: You were the new girl in school, and hadn't actually made a single friend yet. So as you got to English, you saw a boy with bright pink hair, which was obviously dyed and thought wow! So as you walked in the room, you heard a wolf whistle, and thought that can't be for me so you carried on walking to your seat. Then you felt presence next to you and you saw the boy again, he said" Hi I'm Michael but you can call me Miky, so i thought you looked a bit lonely so I'll sit next you. After getting background information on each other you soon became best friends and soon after a lovely couple.

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