Ch 3. Do you remember the truth?

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Waking up on a sticky bar floor was not what I thought my morning would hold. Hearing Angels soft snores and feeling his even breaths as I laid there with my head on his chest was enough to me forget my earlier worries. That didn't last for long though. Our moment was brought to a halt by my phone blaring and Galindos number staring at me.
"Don't answer that," Angels voice was coated with sleep as he wrapped his arms tighter around me nuzzling himself into my neck. "Just let me enjoy this a little longer," the soft kisses he was placing on my collar bone gave me chills. I wanted to enjoy this to, but his phone had the same plans as mine. Angel let out an annoyed grunt before shoving the phone to his ear one arm still around me.
"This better be good," he growled. "You're fucking kidding." He sounded annoyed with whoever he was talking to. "Yeah yeah I'll be there right away." I wiggled my way out of his grasp and stuck my hand out to help him up.
"Sounds like you should get going," I smiled knowing it was for the best. He nodded placing a kiss on my cheek.
"Yeah. Club stuff," he watched me carefully. "This happens a lot." He added. I cocked my eyebrow unsure as to what he was he getting at.  I decided it was better to not let his thought finish and kissed him quickly before playfully pushing him towards the door.
"I'll call you later." Angel told me as he hopped onto his bike. I leaned against the doorframe and watched him drive away. He was way to good to be true.

"You called?" I walked into Galindos office after going home to change. My hair was thrown up messily and my choice of clothing more casual then usual which made him eye me suspiciously.
"Checking in on you," he smiled gesturing for me to sit down. "I found you a nursing job if you want it."
"Miguel..."I pressed my fingers to my temples. "I can't. I almost lost my license last time." I wanted to be back there. To be back in the hustle and a bustle of the hospital. Helping as many people as I could, but I had commitments to the club. I was an on call nurse for them so there injuries could go undetected by the law. It wasn't what I wanted to use my degree for but it was something I had to do.
"I can protect you now." His words were sturdy. "Maybe it would be good if you stayed away from Mayans for a bit just till you get settled in though."
"Where is this coming from?" I questioned.
"Nestor mentioned something and I just..." he sighed. "Paloma I'm just trying to look out for you. You're like my sister I don't want to see you hurt." He reached for my hands but I pulled them away.
"My brother is dead. I don't need you to try and play replacement." I barked. "You May know my last name but that doesn't mean you know me or what's good for me!" My words came out like a growl as I stared him down. Deep down I knew his intentions were pure. Or as pure as someone in our lives could be but I was done having men try and control my life.
"I know you love me. And we have been friends since we were small, but let me make my own damn mistakes. Or give me shit but do not dare tell my father." I swallowed up my anger. It was in his nature to be over protective I had come to terms with that, yet it still sometimes caught me off guard.
"And please I'm begging you to keep Nestor on a tighter leash. No more bar visits."

I sat in the recliner by the window watching the sunset. The way the world looked at peace made my heart flutter. For once there was no sound of gun shots, no rumbling of motor cycles. There was the perfect amount of quite. It almost made me forget who I was, leaving a normal girl sitting here. That feeling was interrupted by the low roar of motorbikes. Bishop walked in my father in Tow yelling at someone over the phone.
"Hi little Dove," Bishop kissed the top of my head before taking a seat beside me. "Can you check on Creep for me? He needs some stitches."
"Yeah I'll head on over," I agree. So much for a relaxing night.
"I'll get the boys to bring him here. That way you don't need to hall around your medical things."
"Oh just what I want. A group of biker men running around me house," I joke. Bishop laughs with me but I bite my tongue when I see the look on dads face.
"Watch yourself young lady," he warns. I feel two feet tall under his gaze. "I have an errand to run. Did you get that thing done?" That thing is his divorce. But right now the word divorce is the equivalent to Voldemort in the first Harry Potter. Unspoken and cursed.
"Yes." He nods kisses my head and exits. Love you to I mumble to myself bringing my attention back to Bishop who was pretending to have not overheard the conversation.
"You okay?" He breaks the silence.
"Always." I lie but something's just don't need to talked about.

It's a good half hour before the boys show up with Creeper. He has a gash about his eyebrow a bullet wound and a dislocated shoulder. Nothing they haven't brought me before. I was washing up after finished and I felt Angels arms wrap around my waist. The smell of gasoline, cigarettes and his aftershave tickling my nose as I leaned into his embrace.
"I've been thinking about you all day," he whispered. "About your cute little laugh, and that sexy yet innocent smirk you get when I make you blush." He kissed my neck softly. "Hey Angel we gotta go!" His brother yelled from the other room.
"Give me a minute!" He yelled back spinning me around. He kissed me deeply leaving me feeling hot and out of breath.
"I'm going to take you on a real date really soon." He smiled.
"I'm looking forward to that. Now get!" I pushed him out of the kitchen. I couldn't help but bite my lip as I watched him walk out cursing myself when I noticed Bishop catch me. Fuck. The older man stayed a minute longer then his club.
"Little dove I'm not going to tell you what to do, just be weary of what happens if you get caught." His voice was low and his eyes full of worry. It was a matter of if and we both knew that. It was a matter of when.

Little dove - Angel ReyesWhere stories live. Discover now