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Juilanna P.O.V

"I never want you to leave my side" I said while looking at the sky on the hill.

"Me neither we've grown on each other" Jahseh said.

Jahseh P.O.V

It was like this girl was my drug and I couldn't help but overdose.

Juilanna P.O.V

Jahseh wants a girl like me but I don't know why I'm a depressed and bipolar person.

"Are we rushing into things" I said.

"What do mean" Jahseh said.

"Every since that party we've just been having sex and talking and we really don't get to know much about each other" I said.

"Are you saying you want to break this thing off and just be friends" Jahseh asked.

"I guess that's what I'm saying" I said.

"I kind of being feeling the same" Jahseh said.


I woke up to the  alarm clock thinking about what I just dreamed about.

I went to take a shower and fixed up my hair.

I put on my usual outfit and fixed my hair.

I walked out of my dorm and got stopped by Breanna.

"Dana and Jahseh kissed" Breanna said.

"WHAT" I yelled.

"Shhhh they were in there biogly class and she said it happened" Breanna said.

"Its none of my business" I said.

Even though I was filled with rage and jealousy.

I walked to my music class as my eyes were on the verge of tears.

I was praying Breanna was just playing and joking.

I walked into our studio while Jahseh had his face covered.

I walked into the booth and I did my usually freestyle whatever.

"Where you said you going he can't fuck you like I can" I sung.

Jahseh looked up and he had a look on his face that told me something was wrong.

"Can we talk" Jahseh said.

"Okay whatever" I said.

I sat down in the other studio chair and waited for him to talk.

"I know you heard about the kiss" Jahseh said.

"So it is true isn't it" I said.

"Yes but it was just a moment" Jahseh said.

"A moment you could've stop Jahseh your never fucking thinking you just think about your fucking self" I yelled.

"Listen" Jahseh said.

"No I'm tired of listening to you just leave my the fuck alone" I said and walked out.

I walked up to my music teacher while she was on her phone.

"Is it okay if Me and Jahseh come later on after our midnight class" I said.

"Yeah of course my room is always open just make sure you sign in" My teacher said.

"Thank you" I said back.

I walked out and ran back to my dorm and unlocked it.

I closed the door and cried into my pillow.

I heard a knock at the door and It was Vera.

"Omg what's the matter" Vera asked.

"Nothing just college shit" I said.

"No "college shit" is making your cry now tell the truth" Vera said.

"Me and jahseh did have something going on" I said.

"Really" she said.

"Yes and I heard that he kissed Dana from Breanna" I said.

"Ah hell I will break his fucking neck" Vera said.

Vera got her phone and texted the groupchat...


aloevera❤ girls we have an emergency

💫flowergirllily💫 WAIT WHAT HAPPENED.

🤞⚘kanarykayla⚘🤞 omg...

💎bremybitch💍 where...

aloevera❤ dorm 239...

This is a filer chapter....

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