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Juilanna P.O.V

After I got of my midnight class and went straight to my car.

I texted Skies to tell him I was coming to the studio.

me hey I'm coming in a little bit

skies🎵 ok I'll see you

I finally got there and beeped in to the system they had.

"Hello who are you here for" The front lady asked.

"Lil Skies" I said.

"Hold on let me see I'll beep him" The front lady said.

I waited for like 30 seconds until I got the beep back.

"He's in Studio 212" she said.

She buzzed me as I walked in and I had to walk to the elevator.

I pressed 2 and waited for it open while listening to the music in the elevator.

The elevator door finally opened as I walked to his studio.

I knocked on the studio door and waited for him to answer.

"Hi" I said as he opened the door.

He looked at me up and down and let me in.

"Wassup" Skies said.

"You ready" I said.

"Yeah" Skies said.

I sat in the studio seat as I played around with computer flute.

"I wanna have some amine type shit" I said.

"Work your "magic" " he said.

The studio smelt like straight weed so I was lowkey getting contact high.

After I was done I got up and notice Skies was staring at me.

"I got a question to ask you pretty eyes" Skies said.

"Really pretty eyes" I said.

"Yeah your eyes are really pretty even though they are kind of red right now" Skies said.

"What do you wanna ask me" I said.

"You wanna go out sometime whenever you available" Skies said.

"I have a boyfriend he the dude I did let's pretend were numb with" I said.

I just called Jahseh my boyfriend oh shit...

"Okay just hit me up when you wanna hang and what's your insta" he asked.

"lowkey.juilanna" I said.

"I followed you is the beat ready" Skies asked.

"Yeah" I said.

I played it (Lust) and he was vibing with it.

"I fucks with this" Skies said.

"That's my magic now I have to go I have a talent preview today" I said.

"Okay just hit me up" Skies said.

"Ight" I said.

I walked out as Skies look at me while I was walking out.

I drove back to campus it was 3:30 and I walked into the building.

I took the stairs and walked to Jahseh dorm I always did that because we basically lived together.

I had a key to his dorm and everything so we lived together.

I opened his dorm door and I saw something that pissed me off.

Everything went black...

"What the fuck" I said.

Dana was on top of Jahseh and I ran and pushed her off.

I started punching her and after I was done with her I started throwing stuff at Jahseh.

"Juilanna think please you having a blackout" Jahseh said.

Everything I was hearing was fuzzy because I was not thinking at all.

Jahseh had to grab me to cool me off because I was so mad.

He took me out of his dorm and closed the door.

"Maybe since you would fuck that dusty whore I should go out with Skies then" I said.

"Juilanna please don't" Jahseh said.

I threw my key at him and walked away back to my dorm.

I got my phone out and texted Skies.

                                             hi I would love to go out with you sometime~ juilanna.

                    I'll see you😉

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