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"I'm glad you're here" I said.

"I love you Juilanna Danielle Smith" Jahseh said.

"I love you Jahseh Dwayne Onfory" I said.

Jahseh grabbed my hand and walked me to a dorm.

He opened the dorm door and it was a party I saw my friends there.

"You wanna recreate that dance" Jahseh said.

"Of course I do" I said while looking st him up and down.

The dance floor was packed full of people and it look fun as hell people were dancing and kissing each other.

A lot was going on until the slow song began to play.

Jahseh took me over to the dance floor as the slow song played and I laid back on Jahseh chest.

It felt so soft and warm just like I remembered it to be.

Jahseh and I smiled and we ended up falling into the music.

He slowly put his hands my waist and started kissing me.

Our lips connected has our bodies started grinding on each other.

"Take this to your room" Jahseh whispered in my ear.

I was so ready my mind said go for it you bitch.

I shaked my head and we walked out of the party.

We both went to my dorm and went and closed the door.

"Sit" I said.

Jahseh sat down on the bed and laid back.

I laid on his chest and listen to his heartbeat.

"Jahseh it's crazy how I use to think of you as the werid boy that went to my high school" I said.

"I know you use to be really nervous to ask me for a pencil because you thought that I would do something to you" Jahseh said.

We both laughed as he kissed the stop of my forehead.

"What are you going to do about Gingivitis I mean Gevena" I said.

"I got it" Jahseh said.

"Okay whatever you say" I said.

"I love you so I have a surprise for you" Jahseh said.

"What" I said excitedly.

"I'm taking you to meet my mom" Jahseh said.

"Oh my god Jahseh" I said.

"See I told you" Jahseh said.

"I'm so happy" I said.

"I showed her a picture of she thinks your really pretty" Jahseh said.

"I'm ugly but I'm so nervous" I said.

"Trust me she really sweet" Jahseh said.

"Okay" I said.

We both started drifting off into sleep as I laid on his chest.

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