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The way he smiles takes my breath away.
Those dimples on his cheeks that reveals itself whenever he smiles or laughs makes my heart skip a bit.
His voice that may not be deep but rather calm and velvety still gives a soothing effect to my body.
The way he talks to me simply sends me to cloud nine.
His dark brown eyes that whenever find its way to look at me makes my cheeks pool crimson.
His luscious scent may not that strong but even though he's nowhere near around me it still lingers.
The way he weirdly holds a pen when he writes keeps me fascinated and amazed.
His mannerism of lifting his hand up to cover his mouth whenever he laughs while talking makes me laugh.
The way how his hair feels so smooth and fluffy whenever I run my hands against it brings happiness to me.
Those thick brows he got that slopes downward whenever he gets confused makes me want to always be there to help him.
He doesn't walk so masculine and seems like his soles never touches the ground but he still manages to look appealing makes me want to walk with him side by side.
The way the words leaves his mouth is hypnotizing.
He may not be perfect in the eyes of others but to me he is more than perfect.
He is not afraid to show the real him.
He doesn't care what others will think about him because knowing his self was enough.
He is unique in his own way and that's what makes him stand out more compare to others.
... and I know he trusts me so I trust him.

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