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I watched him moved slowly, a bit timidly.
At first I didn't want to deal anything with him at all, although I secretly asked to myself and wished if maybe we could be friends.

He's popular, I'm not.
People loves him, I don't even get noticed.
He's a cool guy, I'm not.
All of them smiles to him, I got a few.
He's totally awesome, I'm not.
A receives a lot of praises, I barely get mine.
We're total opposites.
My mind kept telling me he wouldn't want to be friends with me.

But I was wrong.
He's down to earth.
He's a total gentleman.
He's funny.
He always smiles back.
He helps you cross the street.
He'll carry things for you when needed to.
He always gives you high fives.
He walks with you down the hallway.
He makes you feel worthy.
He sure is really a good friend.

And after knowing him more,
I found out that he's a heavy sleeper.
He'll use your shoulder as a pillow and complains that you're skinny and sleeping on your shoulder isn't comfortable although he did used it for hours and made you numb. He would even choose to sleep beside you during sleepovers and would wake you up from time to time just to annoy you.

After knowing him more,
I found out, he loves to eat. A lot. He'll definitely eat everything, from vegetables to meat. He would eat what you are eating. And even if you didn't want to share, he'll find way to grab a bite just to annoy you.

After knowing him more,
I found out that he loves teasing. He would send a text or chat message to you that he thinks is funny but usually aren't. He will remind you of how a "good friend" he is and you are the bad one. He'll tell you things you don't like or things you already know over and over again just to annoy you.

After knowing him more,
I found out that he is in love with someone. And unlike other normal guy who chickened out, he on the other hand is straight forward. He was never shy to tell it to the world. He tell you things about her. He gives her everything and treats her like a queen.

And seeing what he can do for love, I fell for him. Unexpectedly. I didn't know when exactly it started. But it just did happened.

So then I wished secretly that instead of her, it was me.
I asked the heavens to make it me instead of her.
I tried giving hints that it would be better if it's me and not her.
I cried. Why can't it just be me? Why her?

But then, I remembered, I was just a friend.
And that's all what I was asking at the first place. Nothing more. I should be thankful enough that he let me be a part of his life.


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