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Looking back to the pictures of you and I,
I never thought I'll be burning them down.

Looking back to the things you gave me,
I never thought I'll be throwing them away.

Looking back to the places where we've gone,
I never thought I don't want to be there again.

Looking back to the song albums we used to play,
I never thought I don't want to listen to them again.

Looking back to the sketches of you that I've drawn,
I never thought I'll be crumpling it all.

Looking back to the lists of movies we watched together,
I never thought I don't want to see it once more.

Looking back to things I've done for you,
I never thought I'll be hating myself for it.

Nevertheless, I never thought the hardest one would be the memories of you and me that no matter how hard I try to erase or shoving deep down my mind, it still kept on resurfacing and haunting me, still I kept on looking back.

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