Chapter 3

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It was now roll call. They start with the girls and then they boys. Today I dreaded it. Blue beetle read off the numbers. "Number 16," he called out.

"16 here," replied a boy I never met.

"Number 17,"

"17 here,"

"Number 18,"

"18 here,"

"Number 19," there was silence. Number 19 wasn't here. Bart wasn't here. "Number 19!" Blue beetle yelled out louder. More silence. "Where is number 19!?" he now screamed. There were a few whimpers heard. Suddenly Blue Beetle grabbed a small girl by her leg and held her in the air with her screaming. "Where is number 19." he asked slowly. Still no one spoke. "If no one speaks, she dies." The little girl screams more. He grabs her neck and slowly squeezes her neck and I mentally punch myself. My throat feels like it's close up. I know I should say something but no words are coming. Tears well again in my eyes. "He ran away!" a boy yelled from the crowd. Silence followed and everyone help their breath, afraid of what would happen next. He drops the girl and resumes roll call as if it never happened. Everyone let out a sign or relief. Soon work began. My arms ached and my shoulders slumped. Sweat dripped down my face and my vision blurred from time to time. I could feel my body begging to stop. I glanced around the pit. Everyone seemed to be doing better than me. I closed my eyes for a brief second then opened then. Or it felt like a brief second. When I opened my eyes it was completely dark. I groaned and stood up. My share of work was still waiting for me to do so I picked up my shovel and struggled to finish. That's when I heard someone behind me. I turned around as fast my neck tweaked. I threw my shovel like a spear in their direction. I heard it fall to the ground and skid away. "Becca I won't hurt you, I'm here about Bart." it was the same bald guy from last night. "What do you want?" I hissed at him. He sighed. "You might want to sit down it's a long story."

"I have to finish this before tomorrow." I said picking up the shovel.

"Not unless you listen to me. Anyway, I asked Bart to go to the past, it was to fix all of this you know. With his super speed and knowledge of the past, none of this would have happened. Everything would be okay and the Blue Beetle wouldn't rule. We would be free."

"What does this have to do with me?" I said scooping up some rocks in my shovel. I dumped it into a large pile then walked back. "I have another time machine!" he blurted out. "I need you to go back and save Bart. He should have returned by now. He must have died, or given up! He needs you Becca!"

"Another time machine?" I paused.

"Yes. Becca will you?" he pleaded. I nodded. "Yes I'll do it." I dropped the shovel and walked up to him. "Let's go." he smiled and hugged me. I then followed him to Bart's shed. In there was a rusty looking machine. "Will it actually work? It looks a bit busted."

"Looks can be deceiving. Anyway this is our only hope. All you need to do is climb inside buckle up and push the blue button." I walked around the machine and nodded. "Anything else? I don't want to die before I can get to Bart." I smiled when I thought about seeing Bart again. My only hope for happiness in this awful life. "Alright climb in it's almost sunrise." I climbed in the cramped machine and buckled up. I watched the door close shut and took a deep breath. I stared at the blue button, was I really going to travel in time? I reached over and hit the blue button. For a second nothing happened. Then suddenly, the world lit up and then went dark again.

Hey another chapter! Hope you guys are enjoying this! Remember to vote and comment. Bye!

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