Chapter 31

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I locked myself in my room thinking over how this could possible happen.


"How Grandfather? How could this happen?" said said through tears.

"You were put in a high stress situation," he began slowly, helping me into the chair. "And when that happens it sometimes unlock genes that had been asleep. Those genes are often superhuman powers. You were shot and as soon as the bullet hit the gene unlocked and it saved you."

"My other powers are gone though! Are they coming back?" tears still leaked from my eyes without sign of stopping.

"In situations like this for mutants any previous powers are lost. And for humans they are left near death but still alive."

I sobbed into my hands. "I can't live like this!" I screamed. "I can't see everyone I love die before me and have to live like that! I'll be alone forever and everyone will just fade away!"

He enveloped me in a hug and I clung to him like I would never see him again. Well one day I won't. Not more than 15 seconds later Red Hood, Nightwing, and Red Robin drive in. Nightwing jumped off his bike and was holding a large lump in his arms. It was Father.

"What happened?" I asked urgently, wiping the tears away before they would notice.

"He took a hard hit to his head and fell down a story from the roof." Dick explain gently setting him down. Alfred was called and everyone was tending to Father. Soon my problem was forgotten and I disappeared to me room, taking the folder with me and slipping it into the top dresser draw hidden under a mountain of clothes.


After awhile I had cocooned myself in blankets and tissues. Bart had texted asking how I was. I lied and said that I was getting ready for patrol and would text later. I had taken Tim's laptop and logged into his Netflix. Clicked on the Umbrella Academy and mindless zoned out.


I woke up in a hot mess of blankets. I peeled them back and found Tim's computer a foot away closed and close to falling off the edge of the bed. I set it on my dresser and walked down the stairs brushing my hair with my fingers. In the living room I found Damian basically strapped down to the couch with duct tape and blankets with Dick watching him eerily.

"Morning Becca." Dick said taking his eyes off Father. "Sorry I didn't get to see you after we brought in Damian you looked upset."

"Well ya, Father was unconscious in your arms.

"Look Damian, your daughter has feelings! She definitely didn't get that from you."

"I will kill you you imbecile!" Father yelled trying to undo himself from the blankets and duct tape.

"Why are you like this? In duct tape and blankets I mean?" I sat down next to him and poked the blankets.

"He needs to rest and recover from his concussion but he won't settle down so Jason and I wrapped him up. Will ya watch him for a second? I wanna order a pizza."

"Sure." I replied, I turned on the tv and went to netflix. "Man, Dick is cruel leaving you without tv." I clicked on the Office and went to a random episode. Two minutes later Father was asleep. I left him on the couch and went back upstairs to grab my phone and answer Bart who I left hanging yesterday.

Me: hi

Bart: omg i thought you were dead

Me: rough night

Me: something actually happened can you stop by

Me: it's okay of you can't

Bart: a bit busy not but how about dinner time??

Me: okay see ya

Bart: you sure you're okay

I lift him on read and slammed the phone down. It was like a wave of some emotion hit me right then. I ripped the folder out of the drawer and threw it across the room screaming. I collapsed to the floor crying. I grabbed the papers crumpling them and slightly tearing them. I leaned on my bed tears blurring my eyes. A sudden pounding of feet was heard and my door was thrown open.

"WHAT THE F*CK HAPPENED?" Damian yelled unsheathing his katana breathing heavily. He looked down on me and the papers in my hand. He collapsed next to me taking me up in his arms and the paper too.

"Shhhhh," he said rocking me back and forth. After I calmed down he smoothed out the papers and read them. With each passing moment his eyes squinted and frown deepened.

"What does this mean Becca?" I only sobbed into his shirt. Soon after the world faded to black.

One week later

Grandfather and father kept this between us and for the week tests were run and my life was ruined.

"It's non reversible?
"Yes." this haunted me. "But we found out that this can be duplicated and transplanted to someone else."

"Wait what do you mean? Someone can take my DNA and become immortal?"


For the rest of the week I mostly avoided Bart and his texts because I knew, I knew, as soon as I would see him he would know something was wrong. I was planning on telling him in a month thinking I would be ready then, but then we showed up at our door.

"I thought something was horribly wrong." he said hugging me. Don't cry Don't cry Don't cry Don't cry Don't cry. I sob escaped my mouth and I broke down.

"It's all horribly wrong Bart, and I can't fix it." I walked to the cave and he followed. Grandfather had to explain to him several time to make sure he got the idea.

"What do you mean you can't reverse it?!" Bart shouted. "This can't be possible." I grabbed his hand hoping to calm him down.

"Bart we've been at this for awhile," I sniffed, "you can let it go."

"But it's not okay. I don't want you to be alone Becca." he continued to talk and yell with Bruce and I stood up and walked to the door. "Becca wait! We can figure something out."

"No we can't! I'm sick of this guys! I'm now ready to accept this okay! Just let me please." my voice broke at the end. "I'm gonna go for a walk. I'll be at the park if you need me." and with that I left.

sorry for not posting but I hoped that you enjoyed this. sooo close to the end. thank you for reading. please comment and vote. thanks and bye.

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