Chapter 28

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I woke up with a loud ringing in my ears. I found myself on the ground facing the sky. The air was smokey and ashes carried in the air. I sat up and immediately fell back down. My right arm was broken, and both legs had splinters of glass in them. I choked out a sob as I looked around. There was my team and other superheros fighting around me. They didn't notice me movement and didn't bother to come and help me. Blood dripped from my head but as I touched it there wasn't a cut or gash that the blood was coming from. I wiped the blood away and decided it wasn't mine. I pulled out a large glass shard out of my right leg then tightly bandaged it. Since I couldn't walk I dragged myself to shelter which was agonizing pain. I tried to think back on what happened but I couldn't think straight. A sudden giant plant burst from the ground and ran over me. I heard a couple cracks and a scream. I couldn't tell if it was me or something else. The plant grabbed some cars and started chucking them randomly. I couldn't breathe. The world was fuzzy and dulling. I coughed up some blood and rolled over on my side. I again dragged myself away from the battle and behind a wall that once was part of a coffee shop. Behind there was two teenagers, a boy and girl that looked around sixteen, only a few years older than me. When they saw me the girl cried harder that she had before. The boy was hugging himself and closed his eyes tight.

"Y-you okay?" I asked through coughs. They stared at me.

"You're the one who's dying!" the boy yelled looking more distraught.

"Oh, you're right." the world was spinning again and blood dripped out of my mouth. "You guys need to get out of here. It's isn't safe. There is an alleyway that connects with the back street. Use that to get out of here." I rolled on my side and whimper but the pain is easing. Was that a good thing? The teenagers ran off and I was left alone. I didn't have my com anymore and I couldn't reach Megan. Some, now burnt grass, was slowly burning from a small fire. Using fire manipulation, I sent out a fire ball towards a giant vine. It shriveled up and died. Suddenly the world started to darken and my pain intensified.

"This is it?" I said to myself. "Well, I hope they got good food in heaven." before it all went dark a tall dark figure stood in front of me.

"Shit am I going to hell?" then it all went black.

Sorry this took so long and short. A lot of stuff has happened in the past month or so happened. Well, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it and please comment and vote!

p.s. if you have any ideas for the book tell me!

Left Behind/~/Bart AllenWhere stories live. Discover now