Chapter 25

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 I woke up at the medical bay in the mountain. I groaned as I opened my eyes and a bright light was shone in them. I rolled to my side and rubbed my face with my right hand. I sat up and blearily looked around the room. I yawned and was about to get out of bed when Red Robin, Nightwing, Red Hood, and Robin ran.

"Phoenix! Don't you dare get out of bed!" Nightwing said. "You still need rest." I rolled my eyes.

"How ya feeling kiddo? According to Blue Beetle you took a lot of hits." Red Hood said taking off his helmet showing his smaller red hask.

"I'm fine." I said with a hoarse voice. "I'm just a bit tired. What time is it?"

"Nearly two in the morning." Red Robin said.

"We were so worried!" Nightwing gushed while pulling me into a bone crushing hug. "You passed out on the shore and bart had to carry you here." he released me and squinted his eyes.

"You look a little different. Are you sure your okay?"

"I'm fine." Damian came up and hugged me.

"Do that again and you're grounded." he said. I laughed a little.

"You sure are taking you father role serious huh?" A few minutes later we were walking into the main room. Bart ran up and pulled me into a hug.

"You're okay! You passed out and nearly scared me to death!" I patted his back and he released me. "I gotta talk to you about something real fast." before anyone could protest he ran us out of the room and to the kitchen which was deserted.

"So when you and Jamie were taken, I secretly put mini cameras and mics on you."

"How did you do that?" I asked confused and amazed.

"A new trick I learned from grandpa. I was able to vibrate so fast I turned invisible! I've been practising recently and-"

"The cameras." I prompted.

"Right so anything you saw the Reach do or have, we now have proof and data on them. We can figure out how they take over Jamie."

"Or how they might take his scarab." I said. "Bart for once in your life you did something smart!" I cheered. He smiled before he squinted his eyes at me.

"For once in my life?" he asked faking a hurt expression. "Remember that one time you blew up the Batmobile? And wasn't it you who set fire to Tim's hair. And remember that one time you almost mashed the-"

"Okay okay fine. You did an amazing job Bart. Where is the footage?"

"Batman has it. He said he would go over it later."

"Phoenix! Where are you? Batman needs us." I heard Tim call.

"See ya Bart. I'll call you after I go over the footage. I have a new theory." I waved him goodbye and transported to the Batcave with the boys.

"Hello grandfather." I said as I walked up to him. He had he footage up on large computer and was sitting on the chair resting his head on his hand.

"Bart brought me this footage, most of it is almost not understandable due to the electricity from the pods, but, I was able to clear have of it."

"That's good. Replay it from the beginning." he restarted the video and offered me the chair. I sat down as it started. It started right as I was shoved into the blue pod. I had passed out by this point. I was placed onto the ship with the rest of the pods, but when we reached the bottom of the harbor, I was wheeled away and into an opposite corridor. They opened the pod and search my pockets before hooking me up inside the other pod with the tubes. There were labels on them which I missed before. They were in the alien language.

"Do you know what the labels say?"

"We haven't been able to translate them yet, but I have people working on it."

"Good." I continued to watch but from when I woke up and was shocked, the footage was getting worse by the second. By the end it was all static.

"And that's it." I said mostly to myself. A sudden ding from my phone pulled my attention away it was from Stephanie.


Practice is today at 2 don't forget

And we got work tonight


Thanks see ya later

I replied quickly.

"Why is she up so early? It's only," I checked my watch, "7am?" Isaid surprised. I looked around me. No one was there. Weren't they here just a second ago? I stood up and stretched. I walked upstairs but he house was quiet. A note was left in the kitchen for me.

Had a mission. There are pancakes in the microwave for you

Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian

I sighed and ate the pancakes. I could have helped them. I climbed up the stairs and laid down on my bed. I was tired from not sleeping that much, but I had fallen asleep right? I didn't think so. 'I can take a nap but I have to be ready by 1:30 for practise.' I thought. I looked over at my clock on my nightstand. It read 1:30pm. I jumped up right. "What? I just laid down!" I groaned. "Must have fallen asleep and I can't remember. It's happened before." I changed into leggings and a baggy white t-shirt that said 'shhh I don't care'. I threw my hair up in a bun and grabbed my phone, phone charger, change of clothes, and a water bottle. I put it in a bag and ran to the garage. I jumped on my bike and rode to work.


Practise was going well and I had forgotten about the weird time skips. Half way through during water break though is when it happened again.

"Ugh! I'm so tired! I wish practices would be over already." I said to cary who was applying lipstick.

"What do you mean silly? It is over." it happened again.

"O-oh right. I like I said I'm so tired I forgot."
"Happens to me all the time sweety."

"I gotta go. See you guys for work tonight." they all waved me goodbye and I road home as fast as I could. What was happening?

Thank you all for reading! I hoped you enjoyed that. If you have any ideas to add in the story tell me! Please comment and vote. Thanks and bye!

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