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Chloe came in, so excited to tell us that Josh, my brother, asked her to the school dance. Of course I knew he was going to do it, how else does she think he got her locker number?

Although, I have to admit, I'm not extremely happy about this.

Chloe knows Josh from outside of school. She's known him since he was really young, and she just knows the Josh at home. At home Josh helps us make cookies. He hangs out with us and plays video games in the basement and sometimes has friends over. He hangs out with us when we go to the Lake, and I knew him and Chloe had a little chemistry.

However, at school Josh is an entirely different person. He's just another stupid eighth grade player, leading girls on and not actually caring. Mom won't let me say anything to him about it because she says he's just trying to "find himself", but I have no idea what you can find by being rude and snobby. Josh just acts different around Chloe. And while that's a great thing, it's entirely all too scary.

Maddie agrees with me. She hasn't known Josh as much outside of school, so she's heard the stories. Maddie's one heck of a gossip too, she's always keeping up with what's new, no matter what grade. Sometimes she knew when my brother had a new girl to play with before I did. Maddie knew he was going to ask her, because she was there when he asked me about it. We've been sitting in class just waiting for Chloe to come in and freak out, and boy did she. She wouldn't stop smiling. And I don't know why, but she kept doing this twiddling thing with her thumbs that I've never seen her do before. Apparently Josh is going to "text her after school", which is Josh saying he's going to invite her over. Of course, that makes things super awkward for me, because I'll be sitting at home doing nothing while my brother is flirting it up with my best friend.

At least I have the inside ear. I can attempt to help if things go haywire.

And something is telling me things will.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2015 ⏰

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