District 4

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A/N: You guys are so great! This story has over 100 views! I can't thank you all enough! But a huge shout out to Cloverlyanna, as her fan fiction got me way into this. You're my inspiration, and I admire you're dedication so much!

The train had lurched to a stop, and we were stopped in District 4. This was by far mine and Peeta's favourite district on the Victory Tour. I had been awake for a while eating in the food car, so I went back to wake up Peeta.

As we stepped out the train doors, I was expecting a huge crowd of people congratulating Peeta and I on getting married, or just saying hello. There was only a mild crowd, and they were all searching for their own family and friends coming from the train. The one thing that hit me pretty hard though was the fresh scent of the ocean. I'd always loved the smell since it reminded me a little bit of the lake that my father used to take me to.

"Where do you presume we're supposed to go now?" Peeta asks.

"I don't--" I'm cut off by the sight of someone I hadn't seen since before we infiltrated the Capitol. Annie and her son.

"Annie!" I shout. Peeta and I run up to her, seeing as she seems like the only one that would have any idea of where we're supposed to go. And if not, she'd probably let us stay with her.

"Annie, I don't mean to sound insensitive, but do you have any idea of where we're supposed to go?" Peeta asks after we release ourselves from a huge group hug.

"Of course I do, Peeta. Effie made sure that someone would direct you to where she wanted you to go in each district."

As we walk towards the house that Peeta and I were to use while in Four, I play around with Annie's son, who she named after Finnick. I never realised until now just how much I wanted kids. Finnick Junior was just too adorable, and I just hope that Peeta and I will have kids half as cute as Annie and Finnick did.

When we were nearing the house, I noticed Peeta watching me and Finnick playing. He grinned as wide as I think is possible for him.

"Well, this is it. There's a note in there detailing all of the things that Effie planned for you. Good night, you guys!"

The moment we walked inside, Peeta gently shoved me against a wall and started kissing my neck. I won't act like I didn't like it, but I wanted to go to the beach. And baby making could wait. We had two weeks to ourselves; we could put it off for a bit.

"Peeta, I want to go to the ocean," I say. He pouts a little bit, but then I kiss him on the cheek, just to taunt him and to hint that we'll continue this later.

We walked barefoot on the beach, and I carried my shoes in my hand. As we walked along, I started to walk in the water and decided that I wanted to go in. I dropped my shoes and ran quietly into the ocean. Peeta hadn't seen me running away, so when he noticed my absence and saw my shoes, he assumed that I had been kidnapped or something. Just when his back was turned to me and he was shouting my name, I came out of the water, grabbed his waist from behind and started kissing the back of his neck. He jumped so high and turned around, then hugged me tight.

"Don't you ever do that again, Katniss. You scared me."

"How about I let you join me next time?" Peeta started to kiss me again, but so hard that we fell onto the sand. Needless to say, it was a good thing that it was nearing the winter, because we were undressing each other on the beach with the waves washing over us as we went all the way again.


During our six day stay in Four, we ate plenty of fresh seafood, went to a spa, walked on the beach, swam in the ocean, and, of course, made love.

After all the time that I spent with Finnick Jr., I knew for certain that I wanted to be a mother. It made me sad when Peeta and I had to leave 4, but Annie and I promised to get together more often.

"Maybe next time I see you, you'll have a child of your own," Annie whispered in my ear.

"I hope not. We need to try to see each other more often then that," I whisper back. Both of us giggle, and Peeta looks at us like we're crazy, which I guess that we kind of are. But he puts up with it.

The next train comes, and we find that we're in a train car almost identical to the one that we were in on our way to 4. I don't complain, but when I hit the bed, I immediately fall asleep.

Whoever knew that being with that one special person could still wear you out?

A/N: Sorry it's short and not as detailed as the other parts! Marching band has started, and I'm a little swamped. I'll still try my best to update daily, and hopefully not get too overwhelmed.

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