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*Katniss's POV*

The day after I told Peeta that I wanted to go see the doctor to see if I was pregnant, we both woke up early from excitement.

We walked hand in hand to the clinic where our future could very well be decided in a matter of minutes. I wanted so badly to be pregnant, though I wish it would've happened a little later than this. I would stick through it for Peeta because I know how much he wants a family, and who was I to keep him from reaching for his dreams?

After waiting about ten minutes, Doctor Sanders came out to collect me for the examination. After I told him my symptoms, he had me take a pregnancy test, just to be completely sure of everything.

While I was in the bathroom waiting for the results, I started to think about what our future might become. Panem had become a better place to live, but growing up in the conditions that I did, I wasn't ready to have kids. But if I turned out to be pregnant, I knew that Peeta would be there for me every step of the way.

I walked back to the exam room, not looking at the test, afraid of what the results might be. I handed it to Doctor Sanders, and he told Peeta and I the results before I could think anything more.

"Congratulations! You two are expecting!" Peeta hugged me tight, and seeing him as happy as he was made me decide that I most certainly was ready to go through this.

When we got home, Peeta picked me up and spun me around, kissing me the whole time. We ended up on the couch, and Peeta couldn't stop telling me how much he loved me. I didn't even really have a chance to tell him that I loved him too.

At one point, I had to stop him because I had just realised something very important: we had to tell people, and the whole of Panem would probably want to know how the star-crossed lovers were doing.

"Peeta, we have to tell people. But should we tell the Capitol?" I asked.

"They're not the Capitol anymore."

"I know, but we're still victors. Everyone that bought our act in the games would want to know what we're up to now. And even if we didn't tell everyone, we could tell Caesar."

Peeta thought for a while, and eventually gave in. Even though the old regime that we had to live with wasn't desirable, we knew that Caesar and a lot of the Capitol people weren't to blame. We decided to tell my mother, Haymitch, Effie, Johanna, Annie, Beetee, and Caesar, starting with Haymitch since he lived the closest.

One knock on the door, and it was opened by Effie. Peeta held my hand as we walked into Haymitch's surprisingly clean house and into the lounge where we sat on a tan suede couch.

"Well, why'd you two come over here?" Haymitch asked in his usual tone. To which Effie responded with what I had deemed her catchphrase.


I saw that coming.

"Well, Katniss and I have something to tell you," Peeta said. He looked at me as if asking if I wanted to tell them. I decided that it would probably be best coming from me, seeing as I needed to build up the courage to tell my mother.

"Effie, Haymitch. Peeta and I... Well, uh..." This was a lot harder than I thought... "I'm pregnant." I immediately look down, afraid of how they'll respond.

"Katniss, this is wonderful! We'll have to plan a baby shower, and get you all ready, and ooh! We'll have to go shopping for you too!" Classic Effie right there.

"Nice job, sweetheart!" Haymitch said while laughing a bit. He gave me a hug after Effie did, and clapped Peeta on the back. I have a feeling that they've discussed this before.

Peeta and I had decided to wait until tomorrow to catch a train to District 4 to see my mother and Annie, so we went home, watched a movie called The Matrix, ate supper, and messed around with each other while laying on the bed waiting for sleep to overcome us once again.

Because, as Effie would say, we had a big, big day ahead of us.

A/N: So, school has started up again, and I didn't realise how much work it was going to be already. I'll really try to keep up with this, but music theory and psychology are super involved classes that are going to take up a lot of my focus. Just a small funny note: when I was thinking about what movie for them to watch, I was sooooo tempted to put in one of the movies. Like, how crazy would it be if they watched Mockingjay? Just thought I'd mention that. I thought it was funny. I laughed.

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