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"HEY! FLIGHT LEAVES IN 2 HOURS LETS GO!" my mom shouted from downstairs.

"ALRIGHT" me, Hayes, & Nash shouted in unison. Srsly momma Grier? We're coming!!

I looked at my reflection in my long mirror one last time, ugh my hair was so ugly and faded! I told my mom to let me re-dye it again before I left but noo I'll damage my hair doing that! Maybe I can wear a beanie? But it's summer that's weird! Taylor wears beanies even though it's summer....wait Taylor is weird what am I saying?!!

"HEIDI MOVE IT!" my mom shouted at me again.

"Coming" I mutter grabbing my 2 luggage's and slowly walking downstairs. Well I'm Heidi Grier, twin of Hayes Grier. Funny how our names both begin with H, kidding my mom did it on purpose. I have 3 brothers in all, Hayes, Nash, and Will. And my baby sis, Skylynn. I'm 14, well both me and Hayes are. I'm not really "famous" as you call it....I'm just related to famous brothers. I mean sometimes I feel as if I'm not needed but hey I actually have a fan base too surprisingly, they're called Heidinators! Pretty cool actually!

"Shotty" Nash mumbles calling shotgun causing me to roll my eyes, I did not want to sit next to Hayes since it's morning and he'll fall asleep and somehow land on my lap. It's whatever I guess.

After that 40 minute drive and pushing Hayes off me repeadily of times we had finally arrived.

"Ok behave, especially you two" mom said eyeing me and Hayes. "Nash take care of them and please try not to use up all the money I gave you, it's for emergencies," she said hugging us and saying how she's gonna be alone at home due to Will being at college campus and Skylynn always in her room playing with her "ponies".

"Flight to L.A is now boarding" said the intercom.

"Oh my babies, I'll miss you all so much!" she said hugging us one last time and planting a kiss on each of our heads.

We waved at her as we boarded and till we couldn't see her anymore. Oh how I love mom.

"I get the window seat!" I said pacing faster than Nash who ALWAYS calls the window seat.

Unfortunately I didn't get the window seat. Nash was being a big baby and wouldn't sit down till I moved to the seat besides the window seat so he could sit there. It was Nash, me and then Hayes, then some old lady who kept snoring the entire time.

"I'm starving!" I say as my stomach roars.

"Me too, Nash get us some food!" Hayes whines along with me.

"Ask yourselves," Nash says closing his eyes. Some more whining and bothering, he eventually asked one of the flight attendants for food.

The rest of the ride I slept. I mean what else was there to do? Once we landed Bart had sent a car to pick us up and take us to the hotel where we'll be staying at. It was a nice looking hotel, it even had a indoor pool!! How cool is that?

Nash went to the receptionist desk as me and Hayes were looking around. "Okay guys, our room is 212, floor 3," Nash said fumbling around with the keys as we entered the elevator.

"HOLD THAT DOOR OPEN," someone from the outside yelled as Nash put his foot in the way stopping the doors from shutting and re-opening them.

"ZAYUM BAE! THANKS!!" Cameron shouted as he came into the elevator.

"CAM!" Nash shouted as they hugged eachother.

"My Grier babies!" Cameron exclaimed as he saw me and Hayes and drowning us in a bear hug as Nash pushed the button to take us to floor 3.

"We're not babies," I tell him laughing and hugging him back. He truly is like a brother to me.

"You're both 5 years younger than me! YOU. ARE. BABIES!" He said pulling away and getting into a conversation with Nash.

"Hey did you bring your face wash? The vanilla scented one?" Hayes asked me quietly so Cameron or Nash wouldn't hear.

I laughed "I always do, and you shouldn't be using it! Start using Axe or something!!" I say as we get off the elevator.

"I do use Axe body wash! I just like my face being smooth and smelling like vanilla," Hayes said protecting himself.

"What room are you in?" Nash asked Cam.

"213," Cameron said smirking as he unlocked the door beside our's.

"Sweet!" Hayes says as we step into our room.

"Wait! Why is there only two beds?!" I ask. I share a room with Hayes at home, I will not share a bed with him here, he snores so loud!

"The limit of beds in a room is 2," Nash informs me shutting the door.

"Sucks for you too!" I reply sitting on the opposite bed a Hayes was laying on.

"Hah, no. That's my bed, you share with Hayes!" Nash says.

"But he snores!" I whine.

"Put a sock in his mouth for all I care!" Nash says jumping into the bed and nudging me off.

I lay next to Hayes but keeping my distance because he tends to fart when he's asleep, gross right!? I pulled the blanket from him which caused him to pull it back and forth, we eventually got tired and just dozed off.

When I awoke I heard mumbling. "Shh!!" I heard someone whisper. My eyes slowly started to open when all of a sudden "SMACK CAM" Hayes shouted and smacked me in the face with who knows what as I heard a roar of laughter to realize all the guys were here already and caught that on tape. Oh great, and that's just day one.

Grier TwinWhere stories live. Discover now