14: Is this real......or nah

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"Call Nash and tell him we're on our way" Hayes instructed me.

"But we're not on our way, we're lost!" I replied.

"Do you really want to freak everyone out and make them come search for us 15 minutes before DigiTour?" Hayes questioned me.

I rolled my eyes and whipped out my new iPhone 6 which I recently just received as a birthday present from Nash. Hayes and I turned 15 on June 8.

"Where are you two at? I'm never letting you two go off on your own!" Nash said scolding me through the phone as if he's mom.

"We just got out of Starbucks and we are at a....McDonald's now because Hayes wanted food," I said hoping Nash would buy it.

"Oh, well it shouldn't take long to get here, I'm looking out the hotels window right now and I can see a McDonald's and Starbucks close by"

"Right! There was a mini centre food court near the hotel!" I said hanging up and remembering the route back to the hotel.

"How'd you remember the way back?" Hayes asked opening the hotel door for me.

"Because I'm not stupid" I replied.

"Well 20 minutes you sure didn't know where we were at" Hayes said confused.

"Goodbye, I have to get ready!" I said entering the elevator.

"Goodbye? We're going to the same place?" Hayes said.

"Adios," I said leaving the elevator once it dropped us off on our floor and going into our hotel room.

"Just because you're 15 now doesn't mean you're grown, I am never letting you two out of my sight again!" Nash said when me and Hayes entered the room.

"Nash, chillax, we weren't even gone for that long," I responded.

"You don't think 2 hours is a long time?" Cam butted in.

"Don't think I'm not telling mom about this," Nash added.

*20 minutes later*

"There are so many people here!" I exclaimed looking at the tv that was playing the view of the security cameras showing the fans in the room waiting for us.

"Wow, I'm feeling kinda nervous" Johnson said who was sitting besides me on the couch.

"Aw Jack, don't be! You'll do great!" I assured him kissing him on the cheek.

"Stop, you're making me blush!" Jack said jokingly.

"Hey watch it Johnson!" Nash says pointing at him.

"I only kid!" Jack replied to him putting his hands up in surrender.

"So, who else is gonna be here?" Gilinsky asks to particularly no one.

"Andrea Russet is gonna be here!" Mahogany says.

"The Dolan twins," Aaron says.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" I yell out loud making everyone cover their ears and look at me wide eyed. "OH MY GOSH! I LOVE ETHAN AND GRAYSON DOLAN SO MUCH!" I exclaim excitingly. I am about to see my idols! Face to face with the hottest twins ever!

"I doubt they love you," Hayes mutter and I ignore him.

"You're so crazy," Kenny says to me laughing.

"This is how she was when she was about to meet you for the first time," Nash informed Kenny as I turned red and everyone laughs.

"Oh yeah I remember, she'd watch your YouTube videos all the time!" Sammy says laughing.

"And she'd always ask about you, literally, always!" Nate adds.

"Okay we get it, be quiet now," I murmur embarassed.

"She even had you as her lock screen wallpaper!" Cameron says.

"Aw, that's cute," Kenny says.

"We have to get to our place now people!" Brent says walking in our room. Oh yeah Brent Rivera was here too, we've met before already so no fangirling over Brent.

"Wait do you have the positioning sheet, where it says who's with who?" Matt says.

"Nope but I'm pretty sure Jack and Jack are together, Sammy and Nate are together, Cam and Nash are together, Hayes and Heidi are together, Aaron and Kenny are together, Matt and Carter are together, Dillion and Taylor are together, and mahogany you're on stage,"

"I wish shawn was here," I sigh.

"We all do but he's signed to a record doing tours now, he's doing big things,mkst good for him," mahogany says.

"HELLO! WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" Jc Caylen shouts running past our room.

Viners/YouTubers are so weird.

A few minutes later we arrived into the venue and the tables were already set up and had name tags, aka assigned seats. And like always, I was stuck with my twin brother, oh joy.

I sat down on the extremely uncomfortable chair and started to organize the photographs of me and Hayes that were on the table.

"Oh, well will you look at that?" Hayes said.

"At what?" I asked not looking up from my organizing.

"Your boyfriends, and Grayson is waving over here, or Ethan, I don't know the difference,"

I immediately look up to see THE Ethan Dolan waving over at ME. Little old Heidi Grier! Is this real? Or nah? I instantly smile and wave back.

"That's Ethan Dolan, you moron. Grayson has the mole on his chin and Ethan has the mole on his cheek, duh," I say to my twin brother.

"You are so weird," Hayes mutters.

There is absolutely nothing wrong about having idols and knowing a lot of facts about them....right?

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