05: Matthew Chefspinosa

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"Gross noo! I hate vegetables!" I say to Matt. Everyone had gone out but being the lazy bum I am, I stayed, and as always one of the guys stayed back with me to watch me. Matt had offered to stay this time.

"C'mon just eat it, it's probably not that bad!" Matt says pushing the plate to me. Matt had made me dinner tonight and I don't know if it was grilled chicken or a dead possum but he was trying to persuade me to eat it.

"It looks raw!" I say. "And the peas and carrots are burnt!" I add.

"I, as the mature responsible adult, I would now be lecturing you about how vegetables are good for you and you'll be strong if you eat them, BUT THERES A WENDYS ON THE CORNER, WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?!" He says to me and running to the door.

"Matt hold on, I need to get ready," I tell him putting my vans on and brushing my bird nest which I call my hair.

"Girls," he scoffs as I walk out telling him I'm ready.

"Why do you refer to yourself as 'Matt Chefspinoa' again?" I ask him.

"Because I can cook stuff, you know, like cereal," he says and I bust out laughing.

We eventually arrived to Wendy's after stopping and taking pictures with fans and signing stuff. Matt insisted on eating there but I didn't want to, so we argued for a good 10 minutes but Matt won saying we had just wasted 10 minutes and that the food was probably already cold, and if we walked back by the time we reached the hotel the food would even colder so we stayed.

"Did it hurt when you pierced your ears?" I asked Matt as we were eating. (A/N: But guyssss, Matt with pierced ears....I'm in LOVE😍😍)

He shakes his head "not really, why?".

"I was just asking because I got my ears pierced for the first time once and they got really infected that I had to go to the hospital!" I tell him.

"You have them pierced now though?" He says more in a question.

"I know, I was allergic to the material in my earrings, which caused me to get an infection,".

"Ew gross," he says making a face. "Hey, wanna hear a good pick up line?" He asks.

"Sure," I say nodding knowing already that it was most likely going to be a dumb joke.

"If I can rearrange the alphabet I'd put U and I together," Matt says with a smirk.

"Please, don't, EVER say that to a girl, like ever!" I say.

"Your eyes are as blue as the water in my toilet bowl," he says.

"Oh no! That's even worse!" I shout laughing. "How about, are you a parking ticket because you have fine written all over you," I tell him.

He blows a raspberry, "And you say my jokes are lame,".

"No, I said that your jokes are corny,"

"Same shiz!" Matt says.

We eventually finished and were walking back to the hotel when my eyes spotted a starbucks!

"Matt! Matt!" I say smacking him on the arm and pointing to starbucks.

He sighs "typical white girl," he says jokingly as we make our way to the coffee shop. "What do you want?" He asks when were line.

"Matt, what month is it?" I ask.

"What does that have to do with anything?".

"Just answer my question," I say.

"October?" He says.

"And what holiday is in October?" I ask.

"Halloween, why am I answering this?" He questions.

"And whats a Halloween symbol?" I ask.

"Candy?" He says not sure.

"What else?" I ask.

"Costumes?" He replies.

"And?" I say.

"Pumpkins," he says.

"Exactly, pumpkin!" I say "In honor of October, I want a pumpkin spice latte!".

"Well you couldn't of just told me that from the beginning!".

"No, I like being creative," I tell him. Which is true, simple is boring!

*later that day*

We were all in mine, Nash's, and Hayes room watching a movie. As in 'we' I mean all 14 of us. Me, Nash, Hayes, Cam, Matt, Carter, Aaron, Taylor, Shawn, Jack J, Jack G, Mahogany, Dillon, and Sammy. It was a good thing that the living room was pretty big. There were only 4 sofas though so some of us had to sit on the floor, it wasn't a problem though because we had blankets sprawled all over the ground.

I was on the sofa between Cameron and Gilinsky. (The sofas can only hold up to 3 people).

Right now we were deciding on what movie to watch.

"How bout something funny?" Johnson asks everyone.

"Noo, something scary!" Carter says.

"How about a chick flick?" Taylor says and everyone looks at him.

"Alright, either the conjuring or paranormal activity?" Sammy says.

"Why do we always have to watch scary movies?" Mahogany asks "I wanna see TFIOS".

"Of course you do!" Hayes says.

Eventually we ended up watching the conjuring. After about 30 minutes of the movie I was already passing out on the couch. My legs were sprawled over Cameron and I had my head on Gilinsky's lap.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep little baby, go to-"

"Jack stop!!" I mumble shushing Jack G as he sang me a lullaby. "I'm not a baby!".

"Yes you are, you're 4 years younger than me," Gilinsky replies.

"Hey mom sent me a text, that Hayes and Heidi have to leave in 2 days to go back to school," Nash says.

"For what?" Hayes asks.

"Take exams or something," Nash says.

I groan and at the same time, Hayes groans too. Obviously we don't like school.

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