08: So annoying so annoying so annoying

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"Dude, there's a phone number that has been texting me all day!" Hayes sighs.

"Whats the number?" I ask curiously.

"123-456-7890" he replies. (Idk I just made that up😂😂).

I click on Tiffany's name on my contact list off my phone and it was sure exact to be Tiffany texting him.

"What's she or he want?" I ask.

"I don't know, to chill," he says.

"Ohh, well in that case, I might have accidentally let Tiffany see my phone and she probably got your number off of my contacts and sent it and saved it onto hers," I quickly say to him.

"Tiffany?? As in Tiffany Daniels? The blonde girl from school?" He asks.

"Daniels? What? No! Her name is Tiffany Davis!" I say.

"Ohh, that annoying girl who's constantly following me around all the time!" He says rolling his eyes, "and now she has my number, great," he mutters. "If I could use a song to describe her it would be annoying by Speaker knockers!"he says.

"HELLO HORSIES!" Skylynn yells busting into Hayes and I's room.

"Sky, shouldn't you be at school?" I ask her.

"Mom said I didn't have to go!" She exclaims. "Let's play horsies! Hayes get on your knees!!" She hollers at him.

"Now? Sky? I'm tired!" Hayes replies as Skylynn makes a puppy face that he couldn't resist and gets on his knees as Sky jumps on his back. For the next 2 hours me and Hayes played with Skylynn till she eventually passed out sprawled all over the couch leaving popcorn and Oreos all over the ground and surrounding her...she's always full of surprises!

"I don't know whether to bathe in hot boiling water, or in freezing ice cold water!" Hayes groans getting up and going upstairs leaving me to myself downstairs with a quietly snoozing Skylynn.

Just a few more days, I think to myself. A few more days and I get to reunite with all the guys again and meet fans! I really wasn't feeling school lately, I'm barely starting 8th grade! I'm not even in high school yet! 4 more years yet to face! If you haven't noticed, I hate school. Like with a passion. I'd rather be homeschooled....which I will be after I convince mom to let me be, or at least online virtual school anything but physically having to associate with other schoolmates and waking up at 6 and doing homework! At least we have thanksgiving break this week!

"You can't sit with us!" Gretchen screeches as I laugh. I was currently watching mean girls. A classic, you can never go wrong with it. Maybe I should make myself some popcorn and fetch myself a few snac-

My thoughts are interrupted as I hear the doorbell ring. "What? Who could that be?" I ask myself considering Nash is in L.A., mom is working a nightshift, and Chad was on a business trip.

I drag myself to the door and look through the peephole to see no one on the other side of the door...weird. I unlock the door and fully open only to be greeted by a bear hug from Will.

"Will! What're you doing here!?" I ask squeezing him back. I kinda like him a little bit more than Nash but don't tell him I said that!

"Thanksgiving break!" He replies.

"Oh," I shortly say.

"Yeah yeah. Where's everyone at?" He asks.

"Moms at work, Chad's in Louisiana, Nash is in LA, Sky's sleeping and Hayes is in our room," I inform him.

He nods, "hey, help me get my luggage out the car," he says turning his back to me and heading for the car. I grumble, ugh exercise.

"How long are you staying?" I ask dragging his luggage to the front door.

"a week," he replies.

"And you packed this much? Just for a week!?" I exclaim but he ignored me and ran upstairs as I heard Hayes yell. Typical boys.

I carried Will's luggage to his old room where he used to sleep when he lived here before he moved to Florida. It still has all his belongings in there, his bed, drawers, tv, and everything. We just leave it all there for him for when he comes and visits. The same goes for Nash.

I don't understand why mom wont just let me take over one of their rooms instead of just leaving them there deserted so I don't have to share with Hayes anymore.

I walk back out to the living room to see Hayes and Will stepping through the front door.

"Woah, woah, woah! Where are y'all going?!" I ask quickly running over to them stopping them wanting to get out of this house. It's Friday! I don't wanna stay home bored!

"To pick up bitches!" Hayes says as I roll my eyes.

"As if," I respond. Ew, who would want Hayes like that?!

"Out, sorry lil sis, I'd invite you but you have to watch over Skylynn," Will says as I gasp.

"What? We can wake her up and besides Hayes can watch over Sky too!" I reply.

"No way! You know how grumpy she gets when you wake her up from her sleep! And he can't even take care of himself," Will responds.

"Wow k," I say giving a short reply indicating that I'm mad.

"We'll bring you back Zaxby's if that makes up for it!" Hayes says as they walk out the door.

Stupid boys.

*A/N: I'm literally brain dead!*

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