09: Thanksgiving...more like buffet

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"Woo! And that's another bag of chips that you have to buy me!" Matt yells at Nate as I cover my ears. Boys are so loud! Contain yourselves! Currently we were in the living room, all the boys flew out and were over at our(mine and Hayes) house for thanksgiving except for Shawn since he's on tour which made me upset since I love and missed Shawn but at least great things are happening to him!

"You're crazy! You're cheating!" Skate yells back at him.

"Oh yeah? Please explain to me how I'm cheating! Please do so," Matt sasses back. "I am the champion and no one can beat me!".

"Oh really?" Sam says which starts a rivalry between all of the guys except Aaron because Aaron isn't dumb.

"You suck so bad at video games that I can compare you to Heidi!" Nash says to Carter as I say "Hey I can hear you, you know!".

"You can't even beat rainbow road on Super Mario Bros racing, bro!" Jack Johnson says to Kenny. And yes Kenny Holland! I've told you about my obsession with him! Well we met earlier today, as a normal girl I shook his hand, but I was crying and fangirling on the inside!

"You don't even know how to use the control!" Hayes fires at Taylor.

"Do you even know what COD stands for?!" Dillon says to Will.

"Why I'll accept your challenge Mr. Gilinsky!" Cameron says to Jack G.

Seriously? It's just a dumb video game!! Sadly, my favorite cat eared bestie couldn't come, so I was the only girl..... except for Skylynn but still.

I look at the clock on the wall. 10:15. So early! So many hours left till bedtime! So many annoying boys!...except Kenny. What to do since I hate video games with such a passion...maybe mom needs help in the kitchen? I quietly slip out of the room and into the kitchen to be greeted by guess what? You guessed it, more people!

"Heidi! It's been a while since I've seen you!" Gina(Cams mom) says stopping from mashing the mashed potatoes to give me a hug.

"Same to you!" I reply hugging her back. "Where's Sierra?" I ask.

"I don't know if she'll be able to make it, she's spending time with her boyfriend and his family today," she informs me.

"They've been together for a while now," my mom says starting a conversation with Gina as she goes back to the potatoes.

"It feels like just yesterday she was bringing him home so we could meet him!" Gina exclaims.

"Next thing you know you'll be planning a wedding!" Mom says excitingly.

"They grow up so fast right in front of our eyes," Gina responds.

I silently but quickly exit the kitchen since I didn't want to hear more mom talk! Such as "They're not babies anymore", "Just yesterday I was driving her to her first day of school", and blah blah blah!

I enter my room where it's quiet and lay on the bed wondering what to do. I don't really wanna hang out with the guys since they're playing video games, Skylynn is taking a nap, and mom and Gina are cooking.

I instantly shoot up and smirk to myself. I quickly get up going to the closet in the hall where we store all our toys and such and get out 2 water guns and running to the bathroom filling them both up with water. I go to the entrance of the living room and peak inside. All the guys had controls concentrating on the game and I doubt they'll notice me enter so I tip toe in and stand in the corner. I quietly giggle to myself imagining whats gonna happen afterwards. Maybe mom will get me in trouble but probably not since it is thanksgiving and it is supposed to be a fun chill day but maybe I will get in trouble for wetting the living room and couches.....eh what the heck! You gotta take risks in life!

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