The Big Day

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White. That's all she sees. A gorgeous white gown. Looking in the mirror Avery sees herself in a white gown with her hair done beautifully. She has thought about this for forever but she never thought that it would be with Shawn Mendes. Her happily ever after, her love, her saver. She never thought that she would be standing where she is now last year. All she knows now is that is she marrying the man of her dreams. They love each other like crazy, yeah thats what they are two crazy kids in love like crazy. He helped her when she had no one to go to he was always there for her and will never be able to thank him enough. 

Black and white. That's all he sees. With his buddies. Looking at his friends he couldn't be more thankful. Although he is with his friends laughing and cracking jokes to ease his mind about the most important day of his life all he could think about was her. How beautiful she must look in her white gown. Her crystal blue eyes and her long blond hair. He never thought that he would end up marrying someone at the age of 22. The are both so young and have their whole life ahead of them and they want to spend it together. It's crazy. Its one big crazy mess that they are both apart of. 

The families are there for the both of them. Avery's mom, Tracy, and her sister, Olivia, both love Shawn. Her father, Jack, is very happy to have Shawn as a son-in-law. Manny, Karen, and Aaliyah  love Avery and love what she has done to Shawn. She left him love struck and they have all seen it. The night that Avery and Shawn met Shawn called up his mom and told her all bout Avery. How cute she was and how cute she looked with her camera around her neck and when she talked it was like music to his ears. He fell right away. It took her a little longer. She didn't know how she felt until that night at the park. 

Shawn and Avery decided that they wanted the first look to be when she is walking down the aisle. 

"Are you ready Avery?", her mom called out snapping her out of her thoughts. 

"Ready man?", Brain ask calling Shawn out of this thoughts. 

She turns around and nods her head and looks at her mother and friends, her sister as her maid of honor hands her the beautiful flower bouquet of rose and white flowers. They walk out of the dressing room and walk behind a set of closed doors. Her father has his back to them he turns when he hears heels against the floor. They met eye to eye and he breaks down in front of Avery and her mother. Brain goes to see if Avery is ready and smiles when he sees her. They go into a hug and Brain tells Avery how wonderful she looks and how lucky Shawn is to have her. Once Brain leaves her dad has composed himself. He still has tears in his eyes and Avery is about to cry, the doors open... 

Shawn, Brain, and the rest of the groomsmen walk to their spots. Brain is about to walk off when Shawn ask where he is going. He holds up a finger and walks out. Shawn is very confused until he comes back with a smile on his face. 

"Damn Shawn you are so lucky.", that's all he says and stands with his hands behind his back like all the other men. The doors open and Shawn lets out a little prayer before the first bridesmaid comes out. All of a sudden everyone stands up a smile on Shawn's face looking at the door waiting for the love of his life to come out and show herself. Avery is crying already ad she hasn't moved yet. Her father starts to walk and Avery follows along. She lets out a breath that she didn't know that she was holding. She sees him. He sees her. He starts to cry he lets out a sob and puts his hand to his eyes and closes them he feels someone but a hand on his shoulder. He looks up and sees avery in front of him. They are both crying she places a hand on his cheek and wipes his tears. 

"Joining us today are the families of Avery Adams and Shawn Mendes" the priest starts, "to help them come together as one. Are we ready?" Avery and Shawn start to nod their head vigorously everyone laughs. " Alright the  lets get started then." 

"Shawn do you take Avery Adams as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" the priest ask. Shawn does't waste anytime, " I do" he says with a huge smile on his face and puts the ring on his love. 

"Avery do you take Shawn Mendes as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" " I do" Avery says with a smile just as big as Shawn's. They both feel like the a big weight has been taken off their shoulders.

"Alright then I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." the priest says with joy. Shawn takes no time and holds Avery's face with both of his hands and smashes his lips onto her's. His love, his girl, his wife. She pushes herself against him and kisses him so hard like this is the last kiss they will ever have. Her love, her man, her husband. Everyone is cheering for them and they break away and walk down the aisle. Walk out side to go the the reception to play the song that Avery played for him when they first met...  



Hey guys I'm so sorry that i haven't been posting i have had school and my life has been a little crazy but I'm hoping that i can get back to it! 

I hope that you like the chapter! They finally got married! So happy. Remember to like and vote <3!!

Photography ~ Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now