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Enews: After the amazing wedding from Shawn Mendes and Avery Adams they have been off the grid lately.
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Shawnmendes: yes we have been off the grid lately we wanted to have a private life for now please understand. Thank you.
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"Hey how are you guys?" Shawn walks up to Avery and touches her belly.

"We're good thanks for asking. What are they saying on the media?" Avery asks with a sweet smile.

"Just asking where we are and what's going on." He responded with a small smile. "Avery I think we should tell them what's going on"

"What no!" Avery says while getting up, " everyone is gonna hate me! I can't... we can't tell them yet just please not yet" she says the laser part very quiet.

"Okay, oaky, it's okay I understand don't worry babygirl it's gonna be fine" He coos her and kisses her on the forehead and holds her stomach.

They just found out that she was pregnant when they got back from their honeymoon. They were so happy and excited and ready to start a family.

Avery is only a few weeks in and she doesn't want anyone finding out so the couple haven't gone out together since they got back. Avery doesn't want hate form Shawn's fans and say that their to young even though their in there twenties. Sooner or later they will have to come forward and tell the public. But until then Avery wants to keep it on a need to know basis until she is ready.


Averymendes: nine months

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