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So, I might have been smothering Jimin with love. I spend almost every moment with him, making sure he had a shoulder to cry on, or a friend to make him laugh.

After Jungkook broke up with him it looked like if all the life was sucked out of him. Sometimes we just spend the entire day in his bed, holding each other. Sometimes I had to force him to eat.

My body had become accustomed to having Jimin enveloped in my arms. His presence was comforting. It felt good knowing that he was safe in my arms, even if he was suffering. At least I could take care of him. All I thought about was him and how he was doing.

I don't even know how we made it through our finals, but we somehow did. It was December and fall classes were finally over. I didn't really have a home to go to, so I was going to stay at Jimin's house until classes started again for the spring term.

He seemed happier now that we had a break from school. When we got to his parents' house his pretty smile was back.

"I missed you so much," he said to his parents as they hugged him tightly.

"Jimin, you dyed your hair," his mom said with a smile.

"Oh, yea, it's already fading out though," he replied.

"Taehyung nice to see you," his dad said. He hugged me, and I smiled. I loved Jimin's parents. They were kind enough to take me in like a son.

"How's my handsome Tae Tae been doing?" his mom asked me as she hugged me.

I smiled and replied, "I've been great Mrs. Park."

We talked for a bit and then they helped us bring our things inside. Jimin had a nice house. He wasn't rich, but he his family was well off. He was an only child and had a huge room. I never really got to spend time there until I finally left my mom's house and stayed with Jimin since my mom was so strict.

When we were alone in his room Jimin quickly made his way into my arms. His small body clung to me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and put my head in his neck. We just hugged each other in silence.

After a while he said in a quiet voice, "I'm so glad you're here with me Tae."

I smiled. "I like being with you. I'm home." He looked up at me and his smile was wider and brighter than I'd seen it in a while.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked.

He gestured towards his hair. "I need to change this. I got this to make Jungkook happy. I don't want pink hair for a long time."

I nodded in understanding. "What color are you thinking of?"

"Um, I don't know yet. I want to think about it for a few days. Fuck making sudden decisions."

I smiled at him. "You're right Jiminie, you need to do what's best for you sweetie."

He looked at me with such a beautiful and bright smile, his eyes showing his happiness. "Thanks, Tae. I honestly love you so much. Don't know what I'd do without you."

"I love you too baby," I said. Something about the word baby felt different. I'd called Jimin that before, but a part of me felt some sort of feeling towards him that I couldn't quite put a name on. I wondered if Jimin could sense my uncertainty.

Jimin didn't say anything about it. We just kept on hugging.

A week later Jimin and I went to go dye our hair. He decided faster than he usually would because he just wanted to be rid of the pink. I wanted to try a different look too, so I dyed mine as well.

When we got back to his house his parents were leaving to go visit some distant family member. We said our goodbyes and then it was just the two of us there.

"Tae, let's do something fun," Jimin said with a smile. "My parents won't be back for two days."

"Like what?" I asked.

He walked over to his parent's liquor cabinet. "What do you say we drink? I think I deserve it after all the crying. And you do too, for having to put up with it."

I smiled at him. "Okay, Jiminie, sounds like it might be fun."

He happily pulled out a bottle and got shot glasses. He poured both of us a shot. "Bottoms up," he said and we both drank the bitter liquid. It tasted disgusting, but it warmed my belly in the best way.

He shuddered and then poured another one. We drank that one just as fast.

Before our third one he pulled out his phone. "Let me put some music," he said.

We drank our third one. The alcohol burned in my chest like fire. Still we smiled at each other and danced to the music happily. The alcohol slowly took effect, making my body looser and my mind carefree.

After drinking two more we decided to take a break from drinking. By that point we were giggling like crazy about things and dancing together to the music.

It had been a while since I had felt this good. I loved seeing Jimin's face have a smile that wasn't temporary or faked. He was genuinely happy, and that was enough to make me feel happy as well.

Their hair:

Their hair:

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