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The first day of classes was mostly boring. The professors read over the syllabus and I got to leave early for my first two classes. My last class for the day took an interesting turn though.

I was sitting alone in an auditorium at the back while the professor read over the syllabus when a tall guy walked in. His purple hair called my attention right away. Then his dimples did as he caught me looking at him and he smiled.

I looked away quickly, but he just made his way to where I was and sat down next to me.

"Hey," he said with a smile.

I smiled back. For a second, I wondered if I knew him from somewhere, or if he was just really friendly.

"I'm Namjoon," he said with his cute dimples showing.

"Taehyung," I said back.

"Wanna ditch this class?" he suddenly asked.

"What?" I said surprised at his question.

"It's just the first day Tae. You're not going to miss anything."

"Um.." I hesitated.

"Come on," he said with a smile.

"I just met you," I finally said.

"Yea, but we'll have fun, I promise."

My eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. "Why? We just met like a few seconds ago."

"Tae, you're cute okay. I saw you looking at me too. Let's just get out of here and get to know each other."

"I have a boyfriend," I lied.

"Me too. I just said you were cute, not that I wanted to date you. Now come on let's go."

I was so confused with what he wanted or his reasoning. But the class did seem boring. I put my stuff back into my backpack and stood up. Namjoon smiled and stood up too. We walked out of class and I just followed him.

He led me to the library where we met up with a beautiful guy who looked like if he was a model and not some college student.

"Taehyung, this is Jin. He's my boyfriend, but we're not monogamous. We're probably going to break up soon because he's thinking that the polyamorous life ain't for him."

Jin smiled at me, like if Namjoon had just said the most casual thing and not intimate things about their personal life's.

"Hello Taehyung. You're so cute," he cooed.

He turned to look at Namjoon and his smile left his face. "What did I tell you about telling people whatever you're thinking?"

He smiled. "To not do it. But you know I don't care sweetheart." He bent down to kiss Jin, who's anger seemed to fade with the kiss.

They both turned to look at me. "I hope you're hungry Tae. We're going to go eat in a bit. I just need to finish something really quick," Jin said as he went back to typing something on his laptop.

Namjoon pulled a chair out for me. "Sit, Tae."

I did, and he sat down next to me.

"So, what do you feel like eating?" Jin asked as he typed rapidly.

"Ass," Namjoon responded with a smile.

I let out a smile at Jin's frown.

"I wasn't asking you Joonie."

"I bet Taehyung wants to eat ass too."

My cheeks grow red.

"Too bad you're not single Tae. The three of us could definitely have some fun together. I'm assuming you're monogamous. But, if you're not, offer stands. You could invite your boyfriend. We love a good foursome."

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