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I woke up because Namjoon forced me to. He made me get out of bed and shower and go to class.

"Why are you torturing me like this," I groaned as my head pounded and I felt like I was about to die.

Namjoon chuckled. "Because I promised my baby I would."

I tried paying attention in class and took down the notes, but I felt like I was going to fucking die. I was thankful that I only had two classes and that they didn't last long.

I dragged my body back to my dorm and threw myself on my bed and slept.

Namjoon woke me up a second time.

"Hey! Beautiful! Fucking wake up already!"

I glared at him.

"I brought you some food. Jin made me bring this to you."

I stretched my body and looked like I was going to get up. Namjoon looked satisfied and left.

I immediately curled back up in my blanket and went back to sleep.

It didn't take long for Namjoon to realize and wake me up again.

He carried me into the living room and sat me down and made me stay there until I ate.

I glared at him. "You know this is kind of pathetic. You're so whipped for Jin. Forcing me to wake up like if you've got nothing better to do."

Namjoon smiled. "I took a lesson from you on how to be pathetically whipped on a guy."

I rolled my eyes.

"Besides, I really got nothing better to do. Jin's off taking care of Jimin so we can't even fuck."

I finished eating and got up. "Well, I'm going back to sleep."

"Don't you have some homework to do?"

I looked at Namjoon and scoffed. "What the fuck? You're not my dad. Please leave me alone."

He glared at me. "You're so bratty. I'm glad you're not my kid."

I got back on my bed and groaned. "You wanted me to not be so nice, well here it fucking is."

He laughs. "Calm down, bitch. Don't think you're some asshole now. You're still cute little Tae. Just throwing a tantrum."

I glared at him. "This ain't a fucking tantrum. I'm just done with this shit."

"What shit?" Namjoon asked as he sat down next to me on the bed.

"Jimin and you and Jin. And people. And life and school. And being awake. I just want to fucking sleep and not wake up until I feel better."

Namjoon sighed. "Fine, kid. I'll leave you alone. Sleep. But I'll be here when you wake up. We'll talk shit through then."

I get back under my covers and finally sleep.

Jin's POV

Jimin was talking with Jungkook about something in the living room while I just watched them from the kitchen table.

I called Namjoon while I sat down.

"Jin," he said.

"Joon," I replied.

We both sighed.

"I think I'm starting to miss the days when we didn't know these two idiots. I swear they're draining all my energy."

I sighed again in agreement.

"Did Tae eat?" I asked.


"Did he go to class?"


"Did he-"

"Jin, he's fine, okay?"

"I just worry that he's not going to take care of himself. He has that tendency you know? Like he will stop giving a fuck if you let him."

"Or," Namjoon dragged out the word, "maybe he'd be fine on his own, but we're not letting him take care of himself. Kid's stronger than he looks."

"Is he really? He wanted to kill himself when he was younger. Did you know that? If that doesn't give you a sign that he's the type to not be able to take things on his own, then I don't know what is."

Namjoon let out a breath. "Jin, he's a grown up now, okay? I'm starting to think we're too involved in their lives. We need to let them resolve shit on their own. What's even the point of giving them advice if they tell you shit about it."

"Jimin didn't tell me shit."

"Well maybe Jimin's less of a bitch."

I laugh at that. "That's why he's my bestie."

"Can you take Tae now? He's such a whinny bitch. Gets on my nerves."

"Well that's probably because you tell him shit. I just watched movies with him and cuddled and he was fine."

Namjoon scoffed. "You mean you babied the fuck out of him?"

I laugh. "Maybe."

Namjoon sighed. "I miss you baby."

I didn't say anything for a while.

"I miss you too," I finally said.

"Eating some of the food you gave me for Tae reminded me of how much I miss your cooking."

I smiled.

"I actually miss you telling me that I'm a pervert and getting after me," Namjoon said.

"Well, what can I say Joonie? I have that effect on people."

"You mean getting them to fall in love with you?"

His words made me look up at Jungkook who was still in the living room. He looked back at me, even though he's talking with Jimin.

"Jin, are you still there?"

"Yea, Joonie, I'm here."

"I love you Jin."

"I love you too Joonie," I said as Jungkook looked at me and heard my words.

"I wanna see you. Soon. Don't let Jimin stay there too long. They need to deal with shit like adults. And I wanna see you. I miss you too much."

I got up and left the kitchen. I walked into my room and closed the door. "I miss you so much too Joon. I miss your kisses."

"I miss your beautiful body. I miss making you feel so good." His voice sounded so deep and sexy.

Thoughts of Jungkook flooded my mind and I felt so guilty.

"I got to go, Joon," I said suddenly.

"Wait, what? Really? Why?"

"Uh, Jimin's crying uncontrollably," I quickly say.

Namjoon sighs. "Okay, baby. Bye. Take care."

"Bye Joonie," I say and then I hang up. I lay down on my bed and stare at the ceiling.

Fuck! What have you gotten yourself into? I ask myself.

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