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Namjoon's POV

Jin and I had sex to many times that night that we were both too tired to do anything the next day.

We just laid next to each other all day and watched shit on YouTube.

"I missed you much," Jin said as he snuggled into my side.

I smiled. "Me too baby."

He smiled at me and kissed me.

"Fuck I missed those lips," I said.

His lips made over to my neck and he kissed me there.

"I don't know how we made it without sex for so long. More than a week Jin! Damn, my penis held out that long. And you too! Fuck, how did you not go crazy without having something up your ass for that long?"

He stopped kissing me and looked at me with a guilty expression.

"What?" I asked.

"I, uh, um, I,"

"Spit it out," I said, getting a bad feeling in my stomach.

"I did have sex."

I raised my eyebrow. "With who?"

"What does that matter?"

"I wanna know who stuck his dick inside my baby."

Jin looked away.

"Who Jin? Tell me!"

"Why do you want to know? We agreed we weren't monogamous."

"Yea, but I don't remember ever not telling you who I got involved with."

I felt anger rise within me. I didn't like this shit one bit. If jealousy was what this was, the feeling was foreign. I had never once felt possessive over Jin, but something about knowing he hadn't told me pissed me off.

"Jungkook," Jin whispered.

"Jungkook who?" I asked. Even though I was pretty sure I knew who he was talking about.

"Jeon Jungkook."

I looked at Jin with shock. Despite the fact that I suspected it, it still surprised me. 

 "Jeon Jungkook? The guy that Jin and Jimin dated? Are you fucking kidding me?"

Jin looked guilty and embarrassed.

"What the fuck Jin? When did you ever even meet him? When the fuck? How the fuck?"

I felt confused and angry and annoyed. Jin just stayed quiet.

"Jin! What the fuck? Explain right now!"

He took a deep breath. "I met him around the same time we met Tae and Jimin. I didn't know he was involved with them until months later. And by then we were already good friends."

"How come you never told me about him if you knew him for months?"

"I just didn't see how I would bring it up. It didn't seem relevant."

I smiled. I liked that. Jungkook was too irrelevant to mention. Even though I was still mad, hearing that gave me a little pleasure.

"He told me he liked me not too long ago and he kept on trying to get me to like him. I told him I wouldn't date him because I was already dating you, but he suggested we just have sex then. So we did."

I frowned at that. "I can't believe you were fucking him while I was deprived of your hot ass! You could have fucking told me Jin! Maybe I could have joined."

"I didn't want you to," Jin said quickly. He looked like he wished he hadn't said anything as soon as the words left his mouth.

I glared at him. "I see how it fucking is. You do like him, don't you? So much for being loyal."

He rolled his eyes. "You're such a hypocrite Namjoon! You were totally crushing on Min Yoongi not too long ago."

I scoffed. "Was not. I just wanted to fuck him."

"Would I had been invited to sleep with both of you?"

I stayed quiet for a second. "I guess not."

"That's what I fucking thought," Jin said.

"But still! You were fine then. You weren't like me, dying to have sex. You fucking made me think that you were busy with Tae and Jimin and school! I was fucking being considerate, letting you focus on your own shit since I thought you were busy. And I guess you were busy. Busy screwing another man!"

Jin buried his face in his hands. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice muffled.

I sighed. "What the fuck does Jungkook have that he got all three of you involved with him? Is his dick magic or what?"

Jin looked up at me. "Really Joon?"

I scowled. "I'm so fucking pissed Jin. You fucking suck ass."

Jin smiled at that. "Actually, I don't. People suck my ass."

I glared at him. "You little shit!"

He looks at apologetically. "Sorry, I thought that might make you laugh. It's the type of shit you'd say!"

I sighed. "True."

"Look, whatever happened, I'm still here aren't I? I still love you. I just slept with someone else. Which we agreed was fine."

"But you didn't fucking tell me about it!"

We stared at each other. Seeing which one was going to look away first.

"You know what Jin? I'm going to fuck you right now. I want you to fucking tell me how I'm better than that little bitch. How no one can make you cum like me."

Jin sighed. "Really, Joon? We're both tired. And since when are you this petty?"

"Since now bitch! I'll fucking show you!"

I got on top of him.

"Joon, no! I don't want to right now! I'm tired."

I continued to look at him, waiting for him to say it.

"I do not consent," he said, looking right into my eyes.

I sighed and got off him. As much as I wanted to fuck him, I was glad he said the words.

We stayed quiet for a while and then Jin sighed and looked at me.

"Look, you don't got to worry Joonie. I've already told Jungkook that I'm not leaving you. He says he still wants sex, but I know better. He wants a relationship. I don't. I'll talk to him. I won't sleep with him anymore if that's what you want."

I looked at him and smiled. "That sounds good. You talk to that bitch. Tell him you're off limits."

"I'll still be his friend though. If he's okay with that. And regardless of whether you are."

I pouted but nodded. "Won't you miss his magic dick though?"

Jin laughs. "Not when I've got you baby. Your dick is the best."

I smiled at that. "Damn right!"

I thought about things for a while. "You know, you can keep on fucking him if you want. Just don't hide it from me. Makes things suspicions."

He smiled at me. "What happened to the Joonie who was okay with us breaking up?"

I smiled back at him. "He fell in love with you."

Jin looked like he wanted to cringe and roll his eyes. Instead he smiled and it made me feel so happy. I knew his expressions so well that his feeling were clear to me. 

We kissed and then went back to watching stupid shit on YouTube.

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