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We all regretted getting so drunk that the next day we were too hangover to do anything.

I didn't even remember half of what had happened, but by the look of Jimin, I hadn't gone easy on him.

After a long time of sleeping and then whining that we felt like we were gonna die, Jin decided to make us food.

We all parted ways soon after, but things felt good between us. Less tense.

I invited Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jungkook to Jin's graduation parties and thankfully they agreed to come.

I headed back to my dorm with Jimin. We were both tired as fuck. Jimin fell asleep in the bed next to me while I studied for my finals. As much as my body wanted to rest, I was committed to study since I had already wasted enough time.

Jimin woke up later on and started studying next to me.

The next day was just us studying and eating all day.

On Monday I had my first final. I had two more to go.

I forced myself to study every moment I had and thankfully it paid off because the finals seemed easy.

When we finally finished our finals, we got back into getting things ready for Jin's party. With Namjoon's help we invited his family. The only people we couldn't reach were his parents, but Namjoon ensured us it was for the best.

"I think we're finally done," I said with doubt still in my voice.

"Really?" Jimin asked.

We were both exhausted from studying earlier in the week and now from planning.


Jimin collapsed on the couch and groaned. "Fucking finally. Whoever said planning shit was fun obviously had help."

"Jimin we did have help."

"Well, yea, whatever. This sucked. Stressful."

I nodded and sat down next to him. "I'm happy though. I think he'll like it."

Jimin smiled. "Yea, he will. He deserves this and more."

There was a knock on the door.

"Probably Hobi," Jimin said.

I opened the door, and sure enough, it was Hoseok with a bright smile.

"I'm here to help."

"We already finished," I said.

He pouted. "But I wanted to help."

"You can help us on Friday. We need to pick up the cake and set up the decorations and all that crap."

He smiled. "Okay! What about the after party?"

"Well you can help us drink the alcohol."


I sat back down on the couch and Hoseok sat on the table in front of us.

"You guys are so nice," Hoseok said. "Inviting Yoongi, making it a celebration for him too. That shit is so sweet. If it weren't for you all the only celebration he'd be getting would be a nod from his parents to acknowledge that he graduated, and a rimjob from me."

"Rimjob doesn't sound too bad," Jimin said.

Hoseok smiled. "I've got a pretty good tongue."

I groaned with exhaustion. "I need a nap."

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