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confused, i opened my eyes. two blurry figures sat there. both had stitched up bleeding lips. bandaids on one of their foreheads. bruises and scabs and cuts on their faces.
i blinked back trying to analyse the two figures sat in front of me.
ethan and grayson.
i quickly sat up.

"what happened to you both?" i put both hands on graysons face pulling him closer to me. i brushed my finger over the bruises and cleaned cuts.
"you're awake! ill explain later but are you okay." ethan felt relief.
"i'm so glad you're awake are you okay?" grayson looked at me in the eyes.
"i'm fine what about you guys? your faces have bruises and cuts all over them."
"we're fine, i'm just really glad that you're okay." grayson look at me deeply.

i looked around and took in my strange surroundings. wires, one bunch of flowers, medicine cabinets. it was a hospital. "why am i in a hospital?" i blinked asking the twins.
"we can't explain here." ethan sighed.

a nurse quickly came in, "ah the patient is awake, how are you?"
"i'm fine," i pulled myself up a little in confusion.
"is anything hurting?" the nurse asked.
"my legs." i answered anxiously.
"well good news, brooklyn, we have just had checkups finalised. there's nothing wrong but you do have a few bruises, cuts and scarring around and on your face you might have trouble walking for a couple of days but other than that you may leave." i looked at her in a confused manner before ethan nodded and they both pulled me up, she left the room.

"i knew you wouldn't want to go anywhere in those scrubs so i got your clothes in here. i went to your apartment and picked them out." ethan read my mind taking off his backpack.
"thank you so much e." i limped over to hug him.
"i'll call for an uber." grayson said pulling out his phone as i went into the nearby bathroom to get changed and quickly came out.
"are you guys going to explain what happened?" i asked as i faltered over. they both interlaced their arms with mine for support.

"we can't explain here it's much more deep
than you think." ethan sighed, "i promise you we'll explain as soon as we get to your place."
"but i can't remember anything i don't even know why i'm here and why you guys look like you've gotten beat up." i looked at ethan, concerned.
"i promise we'll explain." ethan said apologetically.

"but-" grayson's hand wrapped around my mouth.
"when you get home brooks." he removed his hand.
"but i'm in a hospital, i cant remember anything." i looked at them both.
"brooklyn we love you and we want you to know everything therefore we'll tell you at home." grayson squeezed my hand.
i nodded.

grayson's p.o.v;

i couldn't get ethan's words off my mind. i can't believe i was so blind to see it all of these years.
it hurt hearing it at first but then it made sense. it still hurts but i have to pretend like it doesn't effect me, i don't want to hurt him or her even more. the immense amount of anxiety that built up inside me took over as we sat down on the couch. how must it of been for ethan? 100 times worse. if i only would've known the truth i would've tried not to. i really would of. i would've dragged the ignorance on.

ethan's p.o.v;

after grayson found out he was in shock. i was hesitant to tell him, he'd be hurt. we both agreed that we had to tell her, she'd ask why anyway. having to explain to him was hard. i didn't want him to be hurt but i couldn't keep it in. not after what happened in the car at least. my heart palpitated faster than a beating drum.
i feel so fucking selfish but i've already destroyed enough i might as well let out the truth and hope for the best.

brooklyn's p.o.v;

they both looked star struck or maybe like they had seen a ghost. i could sense when ethan was nervous. he'd have a slight glisten in his eye. he fiddled with his own fingers and struggled to keep still for awhile.
"brooklyn, where do you want us to start?" grayson asked.
"is it that bad? for starters what even happened?" i looked grayson in the eye.
"we all got in a car crash." ethan sighed again.
"wait what how?" i scrunched my eyebrows.
"ethan and i got into an argument." grayson briefly answered.
"about what?" i asked quickly.
"me? why?" i asked again, slight memories flushed into the back of my head.
"you're going to hate me after this." ethan gulped.

ethan's p.o.v;

anxiety consumed me as the words got ready to exit my mouth, "brooklyn, we fought because i was jealous. i like you and i have ever since we were little. i already know you don't like me like that and it's okay, i've learnt to accept it. as long as you're happy with gray i really don't mind but i just thought i'd tell you the truth because i didn't want to hurt you again."

she looked down in silence.

oh shit.

oh shit.

shit shit shit shit.

"i've hurt you again.. what the fuck is wrong with me?" i kicked the table leg, walking out of her apartment. i always mess it all up. it's too late to make it right again. i've hurt my brother and my best friend and it's not the first time.

endgame - g.b.dWhere stories live. Discover now