High School Must-Haves

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Hiiii! :) it's been a cool minute since I've come around here.

I was sitting here for like a good 15 minutes trying to come up with a good topic and realized I never really talked about like important stuff to bring with you every day!

1. Water: I feel like this is the most self explanatory thing ever, but seriously the amount of times I've gotten dangerously dehydrated at school for not having water is insane. Definitely make sure you either buy water or bring water daily. Plus it makes your skin look niceeee!

2. ID Card: So I'm assuming all schools require some sort of identification. Regardless, always make sure you have it on you. While it might seem like empty threats, there have been times when teachers have actually asked to see yours so..

3. Deodorant: I know it seems stupid, but seriously you do not realize how sweary and smelly you will get throughout the day, especially if you have PE. Always. Always. ALWAYS. Have deodorant or some sort of perfume on you.

4. Pads/Tampons: Apologies to my fellas reading. Ladies, for the love of god make sure you bring this stuff with you. You'll never know if you will need it, and it's good to have if one of your friends is in need. Also, the dispensers in the bathrooms are totally unreliable so don't count on them being stocked.

5. Phone Charger: Yes, I hear the babyboomers out there complaining on this one. But listen, you do not wanna be stuck without access to your phone. For one, if you need to contact a parent, especially after school hours when the secretaries have gotten the hell outta there, you need some way to contact the fam. Also, there have been numerous times when my classes finish esrly, so it's good to have something to entertain me if I don't have work to finish.

6. Pen&Paper: I know this one seems so redundant and like blatantly obvious, but you do not even REALIZE  how many people forget these simple things and how ANNOYING it is when they ask you for them. Like, seriously? You came to school... without school supplies... how does that even work?

7. Snacks: This kinda falls under the same category as water, but its definitely very important. I never realized at first how fast you get hungry before lunch time, even if you eat breakfast. Always make sure you have some sort of snack on you to get through the day.

8. Your Homework: Seriously. This shouldn't have to be it's own category but since ya'll slackers always leave this at home, here you go. I mean, what even is the point of showing up if you don't even have your work. Save the embarrassment and just bring your homework to class.

That's all I have for today, folks! I would add more but I really needed to update and I'm currently having some anxiety issues so I'm trying to take it easy.

On a lighter note, school has been pretty good but ya know- not tryna jinx it so... yeah.


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