Summer School Blues

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You guys thought I was gone, huh. Even though school may be over, I still have plenty more topics to discuss. EX: summer school.

So, let us begin.

Summer school is basically the epitome of horrible. Sure, school sucks and is a pain in the ass, but summer school is so much worse. Basically, if you don't know what summer school is, you either make up a failed class or get ahead so you don't have to take a course during the year. And yeah, it may seem easy because you only go once a week for x amount of weeks, it is SO HARD. 

My advice is to set a goal.  For example, if you have 3 packs of work to do in a week, do one a day. That way when it's all over, you can chill. And honestly, guys, once you get past the first week, it gets easier.

I don't want this to cause you to not do summer school because it really is beneficial. Of course, you're going to have to work a lot, but it pays off during school because you don't have to worry about that mess. 

So that's it! Lemme know of anything you'd like advice on; I really don't care what it's about. Considering it's summer, I don't care if you need "relationship advice" or "girl talk;" I'm there, homie.

Hope y'all have a nice vaca!


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