Chapter I

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Beca Mitchell first met Chloe Beale when she attended Barden University. It was Beca's first day when she met Chloe. Beca was walking around the activities fair trying to find something relating to DJing but was unsuccessful. Beca was into music and she made a deal with her father that if she attended University for one year then he would pay for Beca to go to L.A to pursue her dream of music. Beca was hesitant to go to University since she wanted to move to L.A after she graduated high school but she didn't really have a choice. So, Beca agreed and there she was at Barden looking around.

Chloe, on the other hand, was with her best friend Aubrey trying to recruit new members for their acapella group - the Barden Bellas. They were unsuccessful since Aubrey's vomit incident at the ICCA Finals the previous year put a black mark on the Barden Bellas name. The two friends had been standing around trying to talk to people for hours. Aubrey wanted hot and thin girls to join their group but Chloe knew that they were desperate and couldn't afford to be picky and because of that, they were able to convince a number of people to audition for the Barden Bellas.

That's when Chloe spotted Beca walking around. Beca was different from other girls and that's exactly why Chloe turned to her best friend and said, "oh, what about her?"

Aubrey looked at Beca and she wasn't impressed. Aubrey labeled Beca as "a little too alternative" since Beca had dark brown hair, dark eyes and wore jeans, boots, a tank top, and had thick eyeliner on.

But Chloe didn't care. She just rolled her eyes and extended her hand, which held a piece of paper promoting the Barden Bellas, and gave it to Beca when she approached them.

"Hi, any interest in joining our acapella group?" Chloe's voice was bright and bubbly.

Beca looked up at Chloe and was awestruck. Chloe was a very beautiful young woman. She had gorgeous red hair and the brightest pair of blue eyes that she had ever seen. Chloe also had a big, bright, white smile that Beca was attracted to straight away. Beca was very closed off to her feelings but when she met Chloe, those feelings rose and Beca was hopeless to run away from them.

"Oh, right. This is like a thing now," Beca tried not to laugh.

"Oh, totes," Chloe answered. "We sing covers of songs without any instruments. It's all from our mouths."


"Are you interested?"

Beca paused for a moment before answering. "Sorry, but it's pretty lame."

Chloe hung her head and bit her lip. The cute girl thinks I'm lame, Chloe thought. Chloe was always so proud of being a Bella and, of course, some people mocked it but the redhead always brushed it off. But when Beca called it lame, her lame, it was different - it hurt and Chloe felt rather embarrassed.

"Aca-scuse me?" Aubrey piped up.

Aubrey was extremely proud to be a Bella. She was the leader of the Barden Bellas and was rather uptight. She looked uptight, too. She always kept her blonde hair neat and tidy and wore clothes in the same fashion. She had a resting bitch face in Beca's opinion and knew that she was in for a treat when she saw how defensive the blonde got over acapella and the Bellas.

"Synchronizing lady dancing to a Mariah Carey chart-topper is not lame," Aubrey told the brunette and that's when Chloe decided to jump in.

"We sing all over the world and compete in national championships,"

"On purpose?" Beca was back with her snarky comments.

"We played the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center, you bitch," Aubrey snapped.

Chloe gasped, quickly looking at Beca who raised her eyebrow with a small smile on her face. The brunette wasn't expecting the blonde to be so feisty but she loved it. She was easy to get a ride out of.

"What Aubrey means to say, is that we are a close net group of ladies whose dream is to return to perform at Lincoln Center this year. Help us turn our dreams into a reality?" Chloe's voice was soft and it was almost as if she was begging Beca to say yes.

Beca looked into Chloe's eyes and felt her cold heart warm up. Chloe was absolutely beautiful and Beca didn't know what to do about it. She was always one for being alone and craving isolation but for some reason, she felt like being around the perky redhead would have been different, despite only knowing her for five minutes.

"Sorry, I don't even sing but it was really nice to meet you guys," Beca concluded then went on her way.

Both women watched the tiny brunette walk off, Chloe feeling dejected and Aubrey angry.

"What are we gonna do?" Aubrey snarled.

Chloe tried to calm her best friend down by giving her encouraging words but the blonde wasn't having it. She was too angry about not being able to get as many people as she wanted to audition but few were better than none.

Later that night in her dorm, Chloe couldn't stop thinking about Beca. She laid in her bed looking up at the ceiling and replaying their encounter over and over again. Chloe knew that Beca had an attitude and that she probably had a zero tolerance for bullcrap and the redhead loved it. She also loved the fact how she tested Aubrey as well. No one even dared to test the Bella leader but Beca did without hesitation and with hardly any effort as well. There was something different about young Beca that Chloe couldn't get enough of.

It wasn't just Beca's attitude that drew the older woman in, it was also her looks. Beca was only short, about five foot two, and had the most encapsulating pair of dark blue eyes that she had ever seen. They looked mysterious and full of secrets that Chloe was dying to uncover. Beca was beautiful and once Chloe realised that, she had to pursue the brunette. She didn't know anything about Beca but she was determined to find out everything she could. Chloe hoped and prayed that Beca wasn't in a relationship but she didn't worry about that straight away. She just rolled over onto her side and fell asleep.

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