Chapter VII

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It was a new year and after an embarrassing performance in front of the President, resulting in their house being covered in toilet paper, and receiving hate mail, the Bellas were not off to a good start. However, the Bellas got given a second chance. If they won the Worlds competition, then they would be able to perform again. It was very stressful but thankfully, the Bellas had been blessed with a brand new Bella - Emily Junk who was the daughter of Katherine Junk, a former Bella.

After a party the night before, the Bellas arrived at a car show to see their rivals - Das Sound Machine. They were a German group who 'stole', in Chloe's words, their tour. Chloe already hated them and she hated them, even more, when she saw just how good their performance was. They were exceptional and intimidating. When they were done, DSM were met with a standing ovation, making the Bellas both jealous and envious. Chloe huffed and forced a clap then looked at Beca who seemed to be in a daze as she met eyes with the leader of DSM - Kommisar. She was a tall blonde with blue eyes and had a very powerful singing voice. Chloe glared at Beca then at the German woman who eventually made her way over to her group and stood right in front of Beca.

"Barden Bellas," she greeted. "How nice of you to come and see us. Is it because you are... what do you Americans say? Jelly?"

Chloe gasped in horror. "We are so NOT jelly."

"We should really thank you for making this tour a reality, you know, with your bumbling ineptitude. We should send them something... Fruit basket?" She said to her co-captain.

"Yum, yum," he replied cockily.

"Or would you prefer mini muffins?" Kommisar looked directly at Beca and Chloe was about to punch the woman in the face.

"Look, we didn't come here to start something with you guys, we just wanted to check you out before the Worlds where we're going to kick your ass," Beca stated and the Bellas agreed.

"You? You are the kicker or ass?" Kommisar took several steps closer to Beca and it made the tiny brunette feel even tinier.

"Yeah..." Beca uttered.

Kommisar chuckled. "But you are so tiny. Like an elf, or is it a fairy?" Kommisar turned to her co-captain and asked something in German.

"Troll," he replied.

"That's it. You are a like a troll."

Chloe was beyond angry now. How dare she insult my woman like that! Chloe thought.

"You... are physically flawless," Beca said to the German woman.

"Thank you,"

"But that doesn't mean I like you..." Beca paused, not sure why she just said what she did and quickly regretted it.

Chloe looked at her girlfriend horrified then turned back to the German woman with hard eyes.

"We are not scared about the Worlds because when the Bellas hit the stage, we are gonna blow minds," Chloe stated.

The German co-captain and Fat Amy got into a little trashy argument about whose team was better but it didn't matter when Kommisar laughed and spoke to Beca once more.

"Darlings, take my advice - don't try to beat us. You can't. We're the best. And now, if you'll excuse me, I have to rest my neck. It is sore from looking down on you."

And with that, Kommisar led her group away, all with cocky smiles on their faces.

"Okay, just because you are making me very sexually confused does not mean you're intimidating!" Beca called out. "We have nothing to lose! Literally nothing!"

"Okay," Chloe tried to stop her girlfriend.

"Aca-Wiedersehen, bitches! Oh my God, what is happening? Why am I using my hands so much?" Beca uttered at herself whilst running her hands through her hair, annoyed.

"Excuse us, girls," Chloe latched onto Beca's wrist and pulled the brunette away from the group. "What the Hell is wrong with you?"

"I don't know! She's just really in my head!" Beca explained.

"Oh, really in your head? Let's see if she's really in your head when you're sleeping on the couch tonight!"

"What? Chlo, come on!"

"Do you want her?"

"What?" Beca frowned.

"Do you want her?" She repeated firmly.

"Dude, no! She's just pretty that's all."

"Oh, so she's pretty now, is she?"

"Chlo, come on. It's nothing!"

"Well, it's not 'nothing' to me, Beca! If you want her then go to her. I'm not stopping you."

"Babe, please don't do this."

"Do what?"

"This! You get so jealous and you know I hate it!"

"How do you expect me to react when my girlfriend is attracted to another woman?" Chloe shouted, drawing the attention of some people but she didn't care.

"I don't find her attractive, alright? She's just intimidating."

"First she's making you sexually confused, then she's really in your head, then she's pretty, and now she's intimidating! Which one is it, Beca?"

"None! You know I'm only attracted to you, Chlo! Why can't you just realise that?"

"Because when you go and drool all over other women it makes me question things."

"What are you talking about?" Beca frowned again.

"Oh, don't be coy with me. You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about."

"No, I don't - that's why I'm asking."

"When we went to the café last week you flirted with the girl who gave us our coffee's, and when we went out to dinner the other night, you weren't discreet when you checked out the waitress!"

"What? Chlo, that's insane! I never did any of that!"

"You did! I saw you!"

"No, I didn't! The girl at the coffee place made a joke and I made one back and I looked at the waitress when she asked for our orders and I thanked her when she gave them to us. I wasn't hitting on or checking out anyone!"

Chloe folded her arms and sighed.

"Chlo..." Beca stepped forward and placed her hands on Chloe's hips. "I'd never do anything disloyal to you. I never have and I never will. Why can't you just see that?"

Chloe sighed again and eventually looked at Beca who was looking at her with soft eyes.

"Sorry, Becs... I... I'm ... I'm sorry. I think with everything that's been going on, it's just gotten to me, you know?"

Beca nodded ."It's okay. Come here," Beca opened up her arms where Chloe fell into them willingly and hugged her girlfriend.

Beca hated when Chloe got jealous but she knew that the redhead never meant whatever came out of her mouth. She knew that Chloe was just so scared that she'd run off with someone else because it had happened to the redhead in the past but Beca wasn't going to repeat history for the older woman. She loved Chloe and she wasn't going anywhere.

"Now," Beca broke their hug. "I think we should get back and figure out how we're going to beat DSM. We've got a lot of work to do."

"Yes," Chloe nodded. "We do."

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