Chapter X

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The Bellas had done it. They had crushed their rival DSM at the Worlds, meaning that the Bellas were back and they could continue to thrive at Barden University. Everyone was ecstatic and were soaking up every moment on stage as the crowd cheered, whistled, and applauded the women. It was a happy moment but it was also a sad moment since it was the year that all of the Bellas were going to graduate, except for Emily. The Worlds marked the end of their year at Barden but also as Barden Bellas. None of the women wanted to leave but they knew they had to and thankfully, Chloe was finally able to move on. She no longer intended to fail Russian literature in order to be a Bella and also, stay with Beca. She was going to graduate with her girlfriend and start the next stage of her life with the brunette and she couldn't wait.

"We did it, girls!" Chloe announced as the Bellas walked off stage.


"We did!"

"Crushed it!"

"Group hug!"

Everyone came into a group hug and began to sob.

"Oh, come on, guys!" Beca whined.

"It's our final performance as Bellas, Becs, we're allowed to be sad," Chloe sniffed.

"You know I hate crying," Beca reminded her.

"I do, but it's beautiful when you cry."

Beca rolled her eyes then fell into her girlfriend's arms where she let out a soft sob. Chloe wrapped her arms around the brunette and held her for as long as she needed it.

"Alright, who's up for an after party?" Fat Amy asked and everyone cheered. "Yes! That's what I like to hear! Let's do it!"

Everyone laughed as they followed the Australian and not too long after, the Bellas were at a club, dancing, drinking, laughing, and having a great time for the last time as Bellas.


Hours had passed and the Bellas were having the time of their lives, living it up as much as they could as Bellas.

"Dance with me, babe," Stacie said to Aubrey who had been invited to sing for the Bellas final performance.

"Now?" Aubrey looked up at the woman.

"Yes," Stacie grabbed the blonde's drink and put it on the table then pulled her up. "Now."

Aubrey tutted then followed Stacie onto the dancefloor where the two ended up dancing quite intimately with each other.

"You need to dance more often, baby," Stacie told her.

"Partying in clubs you mean," she laughed.

"That, too. You know I'm a sucker for you when you dance like this. You're so sexy."

"Well, keep it up and you might get a special dance tonight..." Aubrey flirted, brushing her nose against Stacie's.

Stacie gulped, becoming all kinds of hot and bothered.

"Keep it up and we'll have to cut this night short," Stacie uttered.

"I'm looking forward to it." Aubrey flirted again and it was driving Stacie crazy.

"Screw this," the tall brunette grabbed Aubrey's hand and pulled her off the dance floor and towards the bathrooms.

"Oop! Someone's getting lucky!" Fat Amy announced.

Chloe giggled then finished the rest of her drink.

"Want another one?" Beca asked the redhead.

"Actually, do you think we can get out of here?"

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