Chapter VI

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With a lot of preparation, patience, and practice, the Bellas finally won the ICCA Finals and it was all thanks to Beca. The tiny brunette had worked her butt off to create the perfect set and it ended up to be the winning set. All of the Bellas were happy and proud of one another, especially Chloe who doted over her girlfriend and bragged about how talented she was and how she was the best thing to happen to the Bellas and so on. Aubrey grew tired of Chloe's rants fairly quickly but Chloe didn't care and neither did Beca. She was proud of all of her hard work and it paid off. She would never tell him, but Beca was glad that her father made her attend college, even if she didn't get to go to L.A at the end of the year - she was happy that she made wonderful new friends and an even more wonderful girlfriend.

The Bellas decided to celebrate with a night out at a club where loud music played with lots of drinking and dancing. Chloe felt like it was the first time in years that she had been out and let her hair down. It had been a long time since she had fun with the Bellas, but more so, Aubrey. Surprisingly, the blonde was having a great time and was actually dancing with Stacie who didn't hesitate to put her hands on the older woman's hips and grind into them and even more surprisingly, Aubrey let her.

"This is such a great night!" Chloe said happily as she went to the bar with Fat Amy to get a drink.

The redhead had been dancing for about ten minutes straight and was parched.

"I know! We need to do this more often!" The Australian agreed.

Chloe and Fat Amy didn't have to wait too long to get their drinks and the redhead drank half of hers in one go she was that thirsty.

"Mm, where is Beca?" Chloe asked.

"Oh, she's over there talking with Jesse."

Chloe snapped her head around and saw Beca sitting in a booth with Jesse and they were laughing and talking, Jesse's eyes still gazing into Beca's. Chloe clenched her jaw, downed the rest of her drink, then made her way over to the pair. Chloe was getting really tired of Jesse hitting on her girlfriend. She was getting really tired of him gazing after her and trying to pull Beca away from her. She was tired of all of it but Chloe was determined to end it right then and there.

"Beca!" Chloe called out with a smile, pulling the younger woman out of her conversation.

"Chlo, hey!" Beca smiled back.

"Dance with me," Chloe pulled on Beca's hands with a pleading look in her eyes.

"I'm in the middle of something, Chlo,"

"Aww! Come on! Please?" Chloe begged and Beca quickly succumbed to Chloe's puppy dog eyes.

"Fine," she sighed then stood.

"Yes!" Chloe beamed then put a protective arm around Beca and led her away from Jesse, whom of which she turned her head and glared at as they walked.

When they got to the dancefloor, Chloe wrapped her arms around the tiny brunette and began dancing with her. Beca wasn't much of a dancer but being apart of the Bellas really made Beca come out of her shell and plus she was with Chloe who practically ripped Beca out of her shell and made her comfort zone non-existant. It was a big shock for Beca but it didn't really surprise her. Chloe was the embodiment of happiness and everything that Beca was not but that's why Beca was so attracted to her. Chloe brought out all of Beca's goodness - goodness that Beca never knew she had.

The two women danced together, Chloe showing off her best moves, which Beca couldn't look away from. Chloe was an exceptionally good dancer and Beca was more than a little impressed. Chloe didn't seem to be bad at anything and it only made Beca attracted to the redhead more. Beca was still trying to wrap her head around how she got so lucky with someone like Chloe but it was still early days yet so Beca wasn't getting too wrapped up in her feelings for Chloe, even if they did grow stronger and stronger whenever they spent time together, especially when Chloe began grinding up against Beca, making Beca swallow hard and flush bright red.

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