Chapter II

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The following day Beca was in the showers and singing Titanium by David Guetta. The brunette would sing when she was alone and she thought that she WAS alone in the showers until Chloe waltzed into her shower, amazed by how beautiful Beca's voice was.

"You CAN sing!" Chloe spoke.

Beca jumped and spun around. Her eyes went wide when she saw Chloe butt naked in front of her.

"DUDE!" The brunette pulled the shower curtain back but Chloe just yanked it away again.

"How high does your belt go?" Chloe asked.

"My what? Oh my God!"

"You HAVE to audition for the Bellas," Chloe insisted but Beca protested.

Chloe just ignored her then told the brunette that she wasn't leaving her shower until she continued to sing. Beca wanted to tell Chloe to leave her shower and she was ready to fight her if that's what it took for the redhead to leave but once Beca caught a glimpse of Chloe's flawless body, that urge subsided and she began to sing.

Chloe smiled and sung with the shorter woman and when they were done, they both just smiled at each other. Beca's eyes trailed down Chloe's body only for her to avert them once she realised that she was ogling the older woman.

"Oh, yeah. I'm pretty confident about all this," Chloe said.

"You should be," Beca smiled rather awkwardly then was given a towel by Chloe. "Thanks," Beca uttered and that's when a young man, another student, walked into Beca's shower.

"You have a lovely voice," he said.

"Thanks," Beca looked at him then back at Chloe.

Who's this guy? Beca thought and wanted to ask but refrained.

The man smiled a sly smile at both women then nodded at Chloe to come with him. Chloe nodded and followed him out of the shower.

"See you at auditions!" Chloe told Beca after she left the brunette.

Beca stood in the shower in silence for several minutes. She had no idea what happened and part of her wished for it to happen again but the only issue was the strange man that interrupted she and Chloe's interaction. Beca wasn't sure why she felt heavy in her chest and why her stomach was knotting but when she put two and two together later that day, she realised that she had feelings for the redhead.


After a successful audition, Beca was recruited by Aubrey and Chloe and became a new member of the Barden Bellas. The Bellas went to a party, consisting of the new Bellas and the new Trebles, better known as the Treblemakers - a male group of acapella singers and the rivals of the Bellas.

"Becaw! Becaw!" Beca's attention was grabbed by Jesse, another student who she met at the recording studio.

The pair got work at the studio and were given the task of stacking and organising CD's, which Beca thought was crap since she wanted to actually DJ instead of doing menial work. Jesse was a funny guy and he made Beca laugh from time to time but she wasn't that interested in him in any way.

The two got talking and Beca was quick to notice that Jesse was a little drunk and it made her laugh. Beca's laugh was heard by Chloe who was standing quite a ways away from the brunette. Chloe turned and watched the encounter between Beca and Jesse and she immediately felt rage consume her. Chloe had just ended things with her boy-toy Tom, the man that was in the showers with Chloe since she was interested in Beca. Chloe couldn't stop thinking about Beca and more importantly, Beca naked in the shower. If Tom wasn't there, Chloe would have acted on that opportunity but she didn't.

Chloe watched Beca and Jesse exchange smiles and laughs, noting how Jesse gazed at Beca and how he smiled at her. It was sweet but it drove Chloe crazy and within minutes, she had enough.

"Can I get you a drink?" Jesse offered Beca. "I'm going to get you a drink." Jesse turned around and went to get Beca a drink, climbing over the concrete steps to get to where the drinks were.

"Please be careful!" Beca called out.

"Hi!" Chloe walked over to Beca, grabbed her hands, and pulled the younger woman forward.

"Oh!" Beca was taken aback and stifled her laughter when she realised just how close she was to Chloe's face.

"I'm so glad that I met you," Chloe leaned in so that her nose was almost touching Beca's.

Is she going to kiss me? Beca thought as her heartbeat rose and temperature flared.

"I think we're gonna be really fast friends," Chloe concluded.

"Yeah," Beca leaned back. "Well, you saw me naked so..." She winked.

"I did," Chloe bit her lip and watched Beca watching her. "And I should have done this, too," the redhead grabbed the back of Beca's neck and pulled her forward onto Chloe's lips.

Beca's eyes went wide as Chloe kissed her. She could taste the alcohol on the redhead's lips and she wasn't sure if Chloe was drunk or not. She seemed to carry herself well and she didn't act like she needed to be cut off but she WAS kissing Beca and at a party no less. There was a high possibility that Chloe WAS drunk and that she didn't actually mean to kiss Beca but the WAY Chloe kissed Beca signaled to the brunette that Chloe was well aware of what she was doing and that it was most likely intentional.

Beca didn't fight Chloe. At first, she was shocked but she began to kiss the older woman back, resting her hands on Chloe's waist. Chloe leaned into the kiss, trying to get closer to Beca despite there being a concrete step between them. Electricity sparked between the two women, making them want more and more so Chloe broke the kiss then whispered to Beca in a low and seductive voice.

"Wanna get out of here?"

Beca gulped and nodded. Chloe was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen and she wasn't going to say no to going home with her.

"Good," Chloe grasped Beca's hand and led her away from the party, making sure that Jesse saw.

When they got back to Chloe's dorm, Beca and Chloe were kissing fervently and undressing like their clothes were on fire.

"Who was the boy?" Chloe asked in their kiss.

"Who?" Beca frowned.

"The boy you were talking to tonight. Is he your boyfriend?"

"Dude, no!" Beca laughed. "I'd be a pretty shitty girlfriend if he was."

"Good." Chloe pushed Beca onto her bed and straddled her lap.

"Jealous?" Beca smirked and Chloe glowered at her before giving the brunette a rough kiss.

"You listen and you listen good, Beca Mitchell," Chloe's voice was stern. "You belong to me, understand? That boy better watch his back when it comes to you. No one flirts with you or else they'll be sorry. Got it?"

Beca gulped again. Chloe was a very sweet, bubbly, upbeat, kind, caring, funny, cute, and happy person. She was all butterflies, rainbows, glitter, sparkles, and cute animals while Beca was the complete opposite. But at that moment, Chloe was dark, powerful, controlling, and rather dominant and it turned Beca on.

"Yes, ma'am," Beca answered with a small grin.

"Good." Chloe captured Beca's lips in hers again as they ended up making love for the rest of the night.

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