Chapter IX

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"What are you doing? Chloe's expecting us for rehearsals in ten minutes!" Beca stated as Stacie dragged her into the living room where all the Bellas were seated.

Thankfully, the retreat that the Bellas were on helped them get their sound back but the Bellas were still adamant on talking to Beca about her relationship with Chloe.

"Wait... What's going on?" Beca asked confused.

"Just sit," Stacie forced the tiny brunette down on a chair. "Beca, we've been friends for about four years now and in that time you've been going out with Chloe."


"And as good as it is to see you two happy, we need to talk to you about Chloe."

"What about her?" Beca frowned.

"Beca, you may not know this but Chloe is a very possessive person. She won't let you do anything without her and she manipulates conversations and arguments so that she gets her own way. She won't let you go out or do anything without her permission and she constantly has to know where you are, who you're with, and when you'll be back."

"That's not controlling," Beca protested. "That's just Chloe. She's just looking out for me that's all."

"There's a fine line between looking out for someone and being possessive over them."

"Chloe isn't possessive!"

"I'm sorry, Beca, but she is," Fat Amy spoke. "She goes nuts whenever you do something that she doesn't know about and she's really to kill anyone who hits on you or gets close to you."

"Wouldn't you be ready to kill anyone who hits on your loved one?"

"Again, there's a difference."

Beca sighed and shook her head. "I can't believe you guys. You say that you're happy for Chloe and me, then you go ahead and do this!"

"Beca, we're just looking out for you," Cynthia-Rose told her.

"Chloe hasn't done anything wrong, okay? She's just looking out for me. What is even the point of all this? Are you trying to break us up or something?"

"No, we just want to make you aware of Chloe's possessiveness because right now you're completely blind and it's affecting who you are," Stacie told her. "Even Aubrey saw it."

"Ha! So you two ARE together?" Fat Amy teased.

"Okay, yes, fine," Stacie confessed. "Aubrey and I are together and we have been for a little while now and we both came up with the idea of this intervention."

"You what?" Beca glared at her friend.

"Beca, it's for the best. We're not trying to break you and Chloe up - far from that. We just want you to be aware of what she does. She's got total control over you and as soon as you slip out of her control, she loses it and you cave. She makes up the most ridiculous excuses to justify what she did and you believe them. She gives you a guilt trip or talks poorly about herself so that YOU feel guilty! Chloe's a manipulator and you need to recognise that it's not healthy."

"I can't believe that I'm hearing..." Beca uttered.

"You can't possibly say that Chloe doesn't have a problem?"

"Look, she is over-protective at times but that's just because she loves me. I've pulled her up on it before and she says that she doesn't mean to and that it's for the best."

"Does she also say that it's for your own good?"

"Ah... Yeah...?"

"Oh my God..." Stacie rubbed her eyes.


"Listen, Beca," Cynthia-Rose spoke up. "Chloe's possessive, alright? We're only telling you this because it's affecting you. We wouldn't be doing this if we weren't concerned. You're our sister and we care about you. We care about Chloe, too, and we'll talk with her but we wanted to tell you first."

Beca didn't know what to say. She never thought Chloe as a possessive person. Chloe was perfect in her eyes and everything Chloe did, she did with love. Chloe never did anything to hurt Beca. She always did everything in her power to protect Beca and help her. Everything Chloe did, was for Beca's best interest and nothing bad ever happened to Beca because of it. So she was a little confused and quite angry that her friends had said such accusing things about her girlfriend of four years.

"I don't know, guys... This is just really hard to hear. Chloe hasn't done anything wrong by me and we've always worked things out," Beca told them.

"That's because you've always given in to Chloe's guilt trips. I'm not saying that to offend you or insult her - it's just a fact," Stacie told her.

"She's right, Beca," Fat Amy agreed. "I love Chloe. She's the nicest person I've ever met and you can count on her for anything but with you, she's like a completely different person."

"You only have to look back on her previous relationships to see who she really is," Stacie added.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Beca snapped.

"Oh, come on, Beca, you know all about Chloe's history and more important, her sexual history. She's never kept someone for long and it's because of her possessiveness."

"What gives you the right to talk about her like that?" Beca exclaimed, standing to her feet. "Chloe is an amazing woman who is everything that you guys aren't! You're just jealous of how great she is and you can't stand to see her happy for once! How DARE you talk about her like you are! Chloe's always done right by you and you call her possessive, controlling, and manipulating!"

"Beca! We're saying this to HELP you! Nothing else!" Stacie stood.

"I'm not listening to anymore of your shit. Chloe is the love of my life and she's helped me in ways that you never could have imagined. She's done so much for me and I can't imagine my life without her. I need her more than anything and you guys should know how much I need her, too."

"Beca," Stacie held out her hand.

"No. Don't," she snapped. "I've got to go. We've got the Worlds to prepare for." With that, Beca grabbed her jacket off the coat rack and slammed the door behind her when she left.

Stacie sighed then turned around to the Bellas.

"Well... That could have gone better," Fat Amy stated.

"Yeah, no shit," Stacie slumped onto the couch. "I don't know what we're going to do."

"We don't need to do any more," Emily spoke.

"What do you mean?" Stacie frowned.

"We've done what we could. We made Beca aware of Chloe's behaviour so it's up to Beca what she does with it, and who knows, maybe Beca will wake up one day and realise what Chloe's actually like."

Stacie sighed again. "One can only hope..."

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