Chapter IV

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"He calls you Becs now, huh?" Chloe sat in Jesse's spot across from Beca.

"Give it a rest, Chloe."

"I thought you hated him after the Semi-Finals?"

When Aubrey was slamming Beca for her changing the set at the Semi-Finals, Jesse interjected to try and stop Aubrey from yelling at Beca but Beca snapped at Jesse and told him to back off and how she didn't need his help. Jesse was hurt and Beca went to make it right. Jesse was reluctant at first but he was a sucker for the younger woman so he forgave her and agreed to go out for a coffee to fully make amends.

"I don't hate him," Beca corrected. "We just got into a fight that's all."

"So now you're best buddies. Is that it?"

"No! Geez, Chloe!"


"You just come in guns blazing!"

Chloe stopped and took a breath.

"I'm sorry... I came to talk to you about what happened between US at the Semi-Finals. I should have stood up for you and I'm sorry that I didn't. It's just... when Aubrey's like that she goes crazy and you saw that video at the ICCA Finals last year. She loses control and it's messy for everyone."

"So you decided to let her butcher me in front of everyone?"

Chloe closed her eyes briefly. She hated herself for not standing up for Beca but she truly didn't want Aubrey to lose control.

"I'm sorry, Beca. I never wanted to hurt you. Just tell me what I can do to make things right between us. I hate this. I've hardly slept since we fought. I have trouble concentrating. I don't feel like doing much anymore. I'm lonely without you. Please, Beca... Come back to me." A tear fell from Chloe's eye and it tugged at Beca's heart.

Beca had seen Chloe cry in the past but that was only during sad movies. Beca didn't enjoy seeing Chloe cry no matter what the reason. But this was different. Chloe was crying because she was genuinely upset. Beca wanted nothing more than to stop Chloe's tears. Beca almost felt guilty for the redhead crying. She wasn't exactly sure why but she did know that she wanted Chloe to stop crying.

"Chloe... It hurt when you didn't stand up for me. The Bellas know how close we are so I didn't care if you stepped in and helped me. Yes, I have my badass persona but when I was getting attacked like that... I needed you to step in and support me. But you didn't and that hurt. I understand that you didn't want Aubrey to lose control but that's on her not you. Maybe Aubrey needed to lose control to get put back in her place. I personally think that you're afraid to stand up to her. You let her walk all over you because you're insecure in yourself.

Yes, you're confident but you're also insecure and afraid. Maybe you're afraid of not having a best friend or maybe you're afraid of being alone, which is what I'm leaning more towards. But you don't have to be afraid, Chloe. Aubrey needs you more than you need her and as soon as you realise that, you'll find that things will change between you two and that you'll be treated a lot better."

Chloe had never been told that before. She hadn't noticed it, or she did and didn't want to accept it. She needed someone to tell her that and Beca just came right out and said it. It was hard for the redhead to hear but again, it's what she needed. So, Chloe nodded in agreement and wiped her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Becs. I know that I let Aubrey walk all over me but it stops now. She had no right to talk to you like that. You actually turned our performance around and I saw that people paid more attention when you sang Bulletproof. I told Aubrey that it went well but she didn't want to hear it."

"That's because she's a tightass."

Chloe breathed a laugh. The redhead didn't like it much when people insulted her best friend but Chloe was getting tired of Aubrey's controlling and rude ways and Beca was right - Aubrey was a tightass.

"I'm so sorry, Becs. I promise to stand up for you and protect you in the future. No one talks to you like that. It's the last time I stand back and let someone attack you," Chloe reached across the table and took Beca's hands in hers. "You're my girl and I'm going to look after you. I'm so sorry that I didn't at the Semi-Finals but I promise you that it won't happen again. I promise."

Beca looked into Chloe's baby blues and knew the redhead meant every word. Beca was upset with Chloe for a long time but she didn't want to be angry at her girlfriend anymore. She missed Chloe terribly and she also had trouble sleeping and doing things. She needed Chloe back more than she realised. It was an uncomfortable feeling since Beca had never felt so strongly towards anyone before but it was different with Chloe. The woman had barged into Beca's life and just tore down the protective walls that Beca had built around herself. Beca wasn't afraid to be who she was around Chloe and even more so when she knew that Chloe still wanted to be with the brunette when she let her guard down and showed her true self. Beca had needed someone like Chloe for a long time.

"Good," Beca uttered then looked up at the older woman who was holding back her tears. "I don't want to fight anymore either. It's... it's been hard on me, too. Sorry for not communicating with you. I just... I just shut everyone out and hide away when bad things happen. It's nothing against you, it's just what I've always done and I thought it worked... obviously not."

"Oh, Becs," Chloe reached across the table and took Beca's hands in hers. "I'm so sorry. Please, come back to me..."

Beca gazed into Chloe's bright blue gaze and wondered, should I?

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