Chapter VIII

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Just when they thought they were getting better at performing, it had only gotten worse for the Bellas. They had recently performed for a bunch of old people at a convention center and even they could see that the Bellas were not good performers anymore. Their performance was too theatrical, they used props messily, and to top it off, Flo flipped into Cynthia-Rose causing her hair to catch on fire. The whole thing was a mess and the Bellas had never felt so embarrassed and ashamed of themselves. Chloe was furious but she decided that the Bellas all needed to get their sound back so she decided to take the group on a retreat. Beca wasn't thrilled by the idea of going on a retreat and refused to go but with some flirty persuasion, Chloe quickly changed her mind on the matter.

The Bellas finally arrived at the retreat, which was filled with people, some exercising, some in bathrobes, and others sitting around chatting. It was a rather calm environment and it got Beca thinking that maybe the retreat wasn't such a bad idea after all.

"How did you hear about this place?" Beca asked.

"From yours truly," came a voice from the left and the Bellas turned to see Aubrey standing there. "Hello, Bellas."

"AUBREY!" Everyone raced to the woman and engulfed her in a group hug.

"Welcome to the Lodge of Fallen Leaves. Where fortune five-hundred companies send their employers to build team working skills." Aubrey greeted after she finished her group hug.

"You run this whole place?" Beca asked.

"You know I realised I had a knack for barking orders and bending people's wills, so I decided to make a career out of it," she laughed, making the Bellas laugh with her. "Which reminds me... FALL IN LINE, BELLAS!"

Beca jumped in her skin and turned to Chloe who's smile quickly drooped.

"No slouching! No straggling! I see you, Jessica!"

All of the Bellas quickly ran into a line where Aubrey told them how disappointed she was with them but ensured them that they'd get their sound back by doing everything together until they regained it. Beca rolled her eyes and almost whined when she found out that they weren't actually going to stay in one of the cabins but instead, a tent.

When night came, Beca found her position between Chloe and Lily. The Bellas were sleeping head to toe for more room, which annoyed the brunette since she liked to sleep next to her girlfriend - not next to her head. Beca always slept in Chloe's arms or with her arms around Chloe so she was in for a long night.

"What are we doing here?" Beca grumbled when she turned to face Chloe.

"We're bonding. You seem so tense, do you need a back rub?"

"Several body parts are rubbing my back right now, thank you."

"Come on, Bec, this retreat will be good and you know it."

"Yeah, right," Beca scoffed.

"It will be!"

"Sure..." Beca sat up and stepped out of her sleeping bag.

"Where are you going?" Chloe asked.

"I need some air before I pass out in here."

"I'll come with you."

"No, it's fine. I want to be alone."

Chloe pursed her lips with a frown.

"It's fine, babe," Beca reassured her.

"You know I don't like you going out by yourself."

"Chloe," Beca whined. "The Bellas are right here..."

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