Chapter V

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Beca caved and quickly made a decision. "I will," Beca gave Chloe a small smile, which Chloe reciprocate.

"Can we please put all of this behind us? I've missed you so much and I don't want to be away from you again. It's killed me not being around you. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, too," Beca pulled Chloe's hands up to her lips and kissed them tenderly. "Are you hungry?"

"I am now." Chloe smiled, happy that she and Beca were back together.

"What do you want to eat? I've only had a coffee so I'm quite hungry."

"I'll have whatever you have. You've always had a good taste in food - no pun intended."

"Sure, sure,"

Chloe giggled then saw Beca flag down the waitress and to Chloe's surprise, she recognised the girl from her Russian literature class. She was beautiful, to say the least. She had thick blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a nice curvy body. She could have easily been a model.

"Hello, ladies, what can I get for you today?" The girl had a perfect white smile and a bubbly voice.

"Hi, can we please get two burgers with fries and two vanilla milkshakes?" Beca asked kindly.

"Sure! Anything else, hon?"

Chloe's blood boiled at the pet name.

"Ah, no thanks," Beca answered.

"No worries! I'll bring that right out." The waitress winked at Beca, completely dismissing Chloe as she left.

"So, aside from the obvious, how have you been?" Beca prompted, pulling Chloe out of her jealous rage.

"I've decided to remove my nodes."

"What?" Beca choked, her eyes nearly popping out of her head.

"I know it's a big risk but I love to sing and I'm willing to take that chance."

"But... Chloe..."

"I know, but it's my decision. I can't not sing for the rest of my life and I don't want to be in pain when I sing either. Singing is my life and I'm prepared for whatever the outcome is."

Chloe tried hard not to cry. She knew the risks in regards to getting her nodes removed and one of them was that she would never be able to sing again but she was willing to take that chance. As she said, singing was her life and she was prepared to take the chances.

"Are, are you sure? Like, you don't want to think about it more or talk to a doctor?" Beca questioned.

"I'm sure, Becs. I've talked to multiple doctors and they've all said the same thing. The procedure is safe but it's the outcome that'll change everything."

"Does Aubrey know?"

"No, nobody knows. You're the first person I've told."



"Why? Shouldn't you inform Aubrey? I mean, it's a big decision, Chlo, and as much as I don't like her controlling nature, don't you think you should inform her since you're the co-captain and you're a big part of the group?"

"I've thought about that, I really have, but Aubrey doesn't need to know. She may be my best friend but she's not my mother and I don't need her whispering negative things in my ear. She has a tendency to turn any situation worse, no matter what it is."

"I haven't picked up on that at all..." Beca uttered sarcastically.

Chloe went to laugh but was quickly distracted when the curvy waitress returned with the food and drinks for the girls.

"Here you go, ladies!" The waitress put Chloe's food down without looking at her then placed Beca's food down, giving her a smile and a wink as she purposefully pushed her boobs out so they were close to Beca's face.

Chloe bit her lip, fighting the urge to yank the blonde's hair and drag her out of the diner for an ass whooping.

"Ah, thank, thank you." Beca stuttered, shifting away slighting from the waitress.

"You're most welcome, hon." She leaned back. "Enjoy and if you need anything, give me another wave."

"Ah... Okay."

"Good." The blonde winked at Beca then left.

"Slut," Chloe uttered.

"Huh?" Beca frowned.


"Did you just call her a slut?"


"Chlo, you're a terrible liar. I just heard you. What did you call her a slut for?"

Chloe sighed. "She was hitting on you."

"What?" Beca contorted her face, disgusted. "Why would she hit on me?"

"Because she likes girls and she thinks you're attractive. Isn't that obvious?"

"No," Beca shook her head in disbelief. "She wasn't hitting on me."

"She was Beca."

"She wasn't!" The brunette protested.

"Argh! She WAS! Flag her down and as for some water."


"Call her over here and get her to bring you some water."


"Just watch."

Beca sighed and decided to comply with Chloe's childish request. Beca flagged down the waitress who came over with a beaming grin.

"Everything okay, hon?" She asked Beca happily.

"Yes, can I please get some water?"

"Of course! I'll be right back."

"Thank you."

Within seconds, the waitress was back with some table water for the woman, pushing her boobs out once more.

"Thank you," Beca said, clearing her throat awkwardly.

"You're welcome, hon. Anything else?" The waitress leaned back.

"That's all for now, thanks."

"Anytime." She winked at Beca once more before leaving.

"See?" Chloe stated. "She's into you."

Beca rolled her eyes and started to eat her food.

"Why are you so oblivious?" Chloe probed.

"I'm not oblivious, I'm just not interested."

"So you did know that she was hitting on you?"

"No! I'm saying that I'm not interested either way. I've got you. I've never been one to take an interest in anyone else when I'm with someone, well, with the few people I have been anyway. Don't worry, Chlo," Beca took Chloe's hand and looked into her eyes. "I'm into you and only you. When you barged into my shower that day that was it for me."

Chloe couldn't help the blush on her cheeks. Even though she and Beca hadn't been dating long, the tiny brunette always managed to make Chloe blush with the tiniest of things.

For the rest of the evening, Beca and Chloe decided to catch up on what they had missed out in each other's lives then quickly went back to Chloe's room and made up properly, in Chloe's words anyway. They had missed each other more than words could have described and they were more than happy that they were back together and Chloe began to relax when she had her Beca back by her side.

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