Chapter III

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As time went on, Beca and Chloe were inseparable. They quickly became an item and were living in each other's pockets. Aubrey scowled the redhead for being in a relationship with the "alt-girl with an attitude", but Chloe didn't care. She was happy with Beca and Beca made her happy. The other Bellas were happy for them and found them cute. The couple would often go on dates, have movies nights, much to Beca's disgust. The brunette didn't enjoy movies. She found them boring and predictable but she didn't mind sitting through them with Chloe. Beca often fell asleep through them, making Chloe slightly annoyed but at the end of the day, she and Beca were spending time together and that's all that mattered.

"I'm off to work, babe," Beca announced as she grabbed her satchel off the bed while Chloe was at her desk doing her assignments.

Beca and Chloe lived in each other's dorms, Beca more so in Chloe's since Beca's roommate Kimmy Jin disapproved of any guests and the couple would always get the death glare from Kimmy. So, it was safer for Beca to just bunk with Chloe.

"Is Jesse going to be there?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah, we're on at the same time, so..." Beca said like it wasn't obvious enough.

Chloe pursed her lips and sighed but Beca didn't notice.

"Okay, come here then," Chloe stood and met Beca in the middle for a hard, possessive kiss. "Be careful around him, okay?"

"Chloe," Beca chuckled.

"I mean it, Becs, he likes you."

"He knows I'm with you - don't worry."

"He better," Chloe growled then gave Beca another kiss.

"Jealous are we, Beale?" Beca teased.

"No, I just don't like guys hitting on my girlfriend is all."

"Well, you don't have to worry because you're the only girl I see and you're the only one for me."

"Letting go of your badass persona are we, Mitchell?" Chloe shot back.

"You wish, but if you tell anyone I swear it'll be the last thing you do."

Chloe giggled then gave Beca a kiss and her ass a light slap.

"Go on, get to work." The redhead ordered.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Text me!" Chloe sang when Beca opened the door.

"I can't text at work, Chlo,"

"Babe, you stack CD's all day while your boss works in a booth - I think you can get away with texting."

"Ouch, way to knock a girl down," Beca smirked.

"Oh, shut up!" Chloe giggled. "Go and get to work."

"Yes, ma'am!" Beca saluted then left.

Unbeknown to Beca, Chloe often passed by the woman's work and checked up on her. She would often go into the store with some sort of disguise and make sure that Jesse wasn't trying anything and that Beca wasn't doing anything behind her back. Chloe would bring Beca lunch a lot as well and spend time with her. Beca didn't mind, she was actually flattered that Chloe got them both lunch and took time out of her day to spend it with her girlfriend. Beca hadn't met anyone like Chloe before and it was the first time Beca was genuinely happy.


The Bellas quickly approached the Semi-Finals of the ICCA Championships and Beca decided to put her own spin on the set to save the Bellas since everyone in the crowd as "dozing off" in Beca's words. Afterwards, Aubrey was furious at the brunette and yelled at her in front of the Bellas who failed to stand up for her, even Chloe.

"If this is what I get for trying..." Beca shook her head and left and to make matters worse Chloe didn't go after her.

Beca was hurt that her efforts weren't appreciated but instead were condemned but she was more hurt by Chloe, her girlfriend, who didn't even stand up for her. There was a moment where Chloe said, "Aubrey, don't," but it was too late and Beca cut her off, telling her that it was okay when it clearly wasn't. It wasn't that Chloe didn't want to stand up for Beca, because she did. Chloe hated the way her best friend despised her girlfriend and how Aubrey always put Beca down in some way.


Spring break came and Beca and Chloe didn't speak. Chloe wrote to Beca and called her but the younger woman just ignored her. Chloe decided to give Beca some space until one day she spotted the brunette at a café on campus. Chloe's heart fluttered at the sight of the woman. She had missed Beca dearly and it was right then and there that she decided to put all of their mess behind them and move on. So, taking a breath, Chloe made her way to the café but when she got closer, she saw that Beca wasn't alone but was, in fact, with Jesse.

Chloe's blood boiled as she saw the man gaze, smile, and laugh at every word Beca said. It was so blatantly obvious that Jesse had a 'toner' (musical boner) for Beca and it drove Chloe insane.

"That boy..." Chloe snarled then made her way into the café where Beca and Jesse were sharing a laugh.

"Beca," Chloe spoke.

Beca was forced out of her conversation and her face fell when she saw Chloe standing next to her.

"Chloe? What are you doing here?" Beca queried.

"I was passing by and I saw you in the window. I want to talk to you."

"I'm a little busy at the moment," Beca gestured to Jesse, to whom Chloe gave a quick death glare.

"I'm sure Jesse won't mind, will you, Jesse?" Chloe was now staring at the man with hard eyes and it rather frightened him.

"Ah, no. Go for it. I should probably get back anyway. Good catch up, Becs. I'll see you later?"

"Sure," Beca nodded and watched Jesse leave, taking a rather large step around Chloe to get by.

Beca watched Jesse walk off and Chloe sit down. What's going to happen now? Beca thought.

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