Chapter 1

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Me and My family have had a rough year.  I did have a normal life, i had 2 best friends that admire everything about me and I had an okay ego. I had boyfriends here and there but nothing like being the whore of the town.

My Parents fought like there was no tomorrow, and before i knew it my dad had a gun in his hand and my mom had a kitchen knife in the palm of her hand.  It Seemed like any of them were about to strike any second...

I walk down stairs as both of them turned their heads to look at me. Both of their faces fuming with fire, they calmly said " Sweetie, Go back upstairs it's not the time to be downstairs. "

This was the second time this happened, that my parents were about to kill each other but this time i decided to go ahead and watch it all go down. " Mom , Dad please stop fighting " I begged.

 My dad took another gulp of beer  and chugged down the whole bottle. " OH MY FUCKING GOD JOHN STOP DRINKING SO MUCH! I'VE HAD ENOUGH, ENOUGH I TELL YO-" My Mom Yelled but then came to a stop to the sound of gun fire right through her chest.

 My jaw dropped open when i saw my mom fall on to the floor hopelessly. My dad turned to me and said the words that changed my life " Princess, I'm sorry but this life wasn't meant for me. " He aimed the gun at his head and before I had the chance to scream, he was gone.

 My parents, dead on the ground in front of me and all i did was stand there and watch as how the blood was dripping out of their bodies. I grabbed my iPhone out of my pocket and called 911, after realizing that my parents are dead i started to sob,

 " Hello, 911 Whats your emergency?"

"Uh-uh My Parents they're dead, My dad he killed my mom then he killed himself." I Said sobbing and wiping the tears off my face.

" Okay Sweetie calm down, Whats your name?"

" Emily Thorn, OH MY GOD He killed my mom! " I screamed and realizing that my dad is a complete schyco.

" Okay Well we'll have the police come right away.. Everything's gonna be alright you hear me?"

" I hear you" i hold ed my teddy bear and started to cry even more. Here i was just before turning 16 and my dad killed himself and my mom. As i ended the call i heard a loud bang on the front door.

I walk and open the door and realize it was the police. I opened the door to 5 men and one of them took me outside and started to speak with me.

"Hey, Are you okay Emily?" He asked desperately

" No my parents, Why would my dad do that!" I exclaimed and started to cry again.

"Im Sorry for everything that happen but its not your fault."

And those were the last word i heard before i fainted off to hell, Well at least that's what i thought it was.


Waking up in a hospital is like waking up at the mall when there is a huge sale on everything. Doctors are hustling down the halls, sick people coughing their guts out, and parents and friends crying and arguing out in the waiting rooms.

That's the conflict i had , no one was there for me, i felt lonely, devastated, and far from relieved. 

"Hey, You're awake, I assumed you don't remember how you got here right? "A nurse come in and asked me.

"Uh Yea i remember that my parents are dead, and that I'm going to an orphanage" I said looking down at the ground.

" Well only 50% of that is true, because someone informed me that you will be living with your aunt Linda." She informed me.

" Oh." I was so happy that someone finally cared for me. I gave the nurse a smile after she told me the news.

"Yea They're coming to pick you up, and get everything from your house because your getting on the next plane to New York!" I Looked at her with my eyes wide open.

"Ne-new York?"

" Well Hurry, They'll be here in approximately 10 minutes."

I Hurried to the bathroom and changed out of the hideous hospital gown into my high-waist ed shorts with my sunflower crop top. I can't believe i'm going to live in New York! I have never experience cold weather, my whole life I have lived in California .I straightened my hair and quickly put on a shade of make up.

" EMILY THEY ARE HERE!!" I heard the nurse call out.

" COMING!" I replied with a smile on my face.

I looked in the mirror and I said to my self   "Go out there and kill dem dead Emily. "

I got in the car to see my aunt Linda. She looked pretty good for most people her age, I reached out my hand to shake hers and said " Hey." She pulled in my hand and gave me a hug. "Well Look at you! How have you been Mily!" I chuckled a small laugh and replied.

 " Everything's fine "

" Well You look hungry Dear, Lets go get you some lunch and later get your suitcases. "

" That sounds great." I smiled thinking


After eating at a diner, I was fully back to thinking about my mom. She didnt deserve to die, my dad was an idiot selfish bastard that made the decision to kill her.

Me and Linda walked to the house and packed everything in my room. I had so many memories in my room where me and my friends had sleepover, my first kiss (( Which was terrible)) and how i became obsess with the show Gossip Girl. I looked back at my room one last time and said " Ill miss you room." I waked downstairs and saw how it reminded me of the things I lost. After letting a tear fall on my right cheek I walked out my house, shut the door, and got in the car.

When Linda was driving away, I looked outside and saw everything I was leaving behind. I sighed with grief and then turn to Linda and smiled as I slept throughout the long trip to New York.


 Okay well, This is my first story so if there are any mistakes, just ignore them because I'm not the best when it comes to grammar.

But Tell What you think so far, I did name the characters according to the tv-show Revenge.. AHH I LOVE IT. Please Please tell me what you think, i think i have to kick the vocabulary up a knot ch because i feel like its too easy to read.

Rate, comment and follow me yadda yadda :)

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